
A) To make the woman angry.

B) David is the man’s good friend.

C) To please the man’s mother.

D) David is good at carrying on conversations.

W: I really can’ t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If he’s going to be at the Christmas party, I just won’ t come.

M: I’ m sorry you feel that way, but my mother insists that he come.

Q: Why is David being invited to the party?

注:insist 堅持








3、選項的四個特點:(1) 四個選項全是介詞結構;(2) 全是to do結構;(3) 全是doing結構;(4) 全是A and B結構(人物關係題)。

4、問題的特點:最常用的四個提問詞:What? Where? When? Who?

考題類型:1. but題型佔1/3;2. 場景題型佔1/3;3. 替換題型1/3。

[Test 1-3]

A) It’s going to attract a lot of students.

B) It’s going to be a lot of fun.

C) It’s going to require a lot of reading.

D) It’s going to work out quite well.

W: It looks like the English course is going to be a lot of work.

M: Yes. Didn’t you see the reading list is enormous?

Q: What did they think of the English course?

注:work out 想清楚,弄明白,解決問題;拼命鍛鍊。


1、paper 論文:

(1)paper 常用詞義:paper 論文;newspaper 報紙;papers 文件;paper 紙

(2)research 查詢資料。對應場景library圖書館。

(3)寫論文的步驟:第一步,選題topic,選題難,範圍廣。第二步,查詢資料research,圖書館場景。第三步,打出論文。typewriter 打字機,computer 計算機,printer 打印機,laser printer 激光打印機,laptop 筆記本電腦。論文沒打完,typewriter/computer壞了break down 或者typewriter需要新的ribbon。


獎學金:fellowship;RA 助研:research assistant;TA 助教:teaching assistant

2、presentation 口頭演講,口頭報告:

(1)同義詞:report, speech, address。

(2)考點:I. 着裝正式 formal clothes(考試中另一個考到着裝正式的考點是interview面試),會出現change。

II. 演講人的內心感受:nervous緊張的。

3、reading assignment 閱讀作業:

文科學生reading list讀書清單。抱怨需要讀的書多。
