

題型一 中譯英

1. 我想在貴餐廳爲我們公司預訂兩個宴會。 (I’d like to book two banquets in your restaurant for our company.)

2. 您的宴會打算定在什麼時候? (When would you like to book your banquet?)

3. 您需要多少張餐檯? (How many tables would you like?)

4. 您對宴會菜單有什麼特殊要求?( Could you have any special demands for the banquet menu?)

5. 宴會是以誰的名字做的預訂?(In whose name is the banquet reservation made?)

6. 我們晚餐開餐時間是下午5點到晚上10點。( The time for dinner is from 5 pm until 10 pm.)

7. 對不起,我們餐廳在14號已經訂滿了。(I am sorry, our restaurant is fully booked on 14th.)

8. 您打算每人的用餐標準是多少?(How much would you like to pay for each person?)

9. 有每人100元,150元,180元的標準,您想要訂哪一種?(There are levels of 100yuan, 150yuan, 180yuan per person, which one would you prefer?)

10. 300 人用餐的最低收費是15000元,不包括酒水飲料。( The minimum charge for a 300-people dinner party is 15,000yuan, excluding drinks.)

11. 您的餐桌已經準備好了,這邊請。(Your table is ready, this way, please.)

12. 現在可以上菜了嗎?(May I serve it to you now?)

13. 祝您用餐愉快。(Please enjoy your meal.)

14. 這道菜很燙,請小心。(The dish is very hot. Please be careful. ) 1

15. 您的這瓶酒已經添完了。請問是否需要再加一瓶?(Your bottle of wine is empty. Would you like one more bottle? )

16. 您需要把菜分一下嗎?(May I separate the dish for you?)

17. 您要不要來點烈性酒呢?要是喜歡酒精度低的話,我們這還有米酒。

(Do you care for something a little stronger? If you prefer something milder, there is rice wine available here.)

18. 先生,您對我們的餐品還滿意?( Are you satisfied with the meal, sir?)

19. 祝您有個好胃口,先生。(Have a good appetite, sir. )

20. 全部的菜已經上齊了,接下來還有點心。(This is the complete course. There is dessert to follow.)

21. 請給我們加把椅子好。(We need one more chair, please.)

22. 非常感謝,祝您有個愉快的夜晚。(Thank you very much. Have a nice evening. )

23. 請問您是付現金還是用信用卡? (Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?)

24. 請給我一杯冰水。(Could you give me a glass of cold water, please?)

25. 願爲您效勞!( At your service!)外語技能大賽主題

26. 我不要含糖的食物。( I avoid food containing sugar.)

27. 這道菜色、香、味俱全。( The dish looks good, smells good and tastes good.)

28. 這是我們送給您的果盤。( This is complimentary fruit for you. )

29. 有多種不同的烹調方法。 (There are an abundant variety of ways to cook.)

30. 炒茄子裏放了什麼調味料?(What are the seasonings in the stir-fried eggplant?)

31. 這是我們最新的價格單。(This is our latest price list.)

32. 您使用維薩信用卡結賬享受9折優惠。(You have got a 10% discount for your Visa Card.)

33. 許多賓客對這款酒讚賞備至。(Many guests give high comments on the wine.)

34. 這是我們廚師長的拿手菜。( This is our chef’s recommendation.)

35. 太好了, 我們馬上準備。( Great! We’ll get started right away. )

36. 雙方都能夠接受。 ( It is acceptable to both. )

37. 您能告訴我事情的詳細經過嗎?( Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?)

38. 感謝您讓這件事引起我們的注意。( Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.)

39. 我們給你帶來了這麼多麻煩,爲了表達歉意,特爲您提供免費甜點。(To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a complimentary dessert.)

40. 抱歉,我上錯湯了。( I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.)

題型二 英譯中

1. How many people is the meal for? (有多少位客人用餐?)

2. At the dinner banquet Chinese food will be served and the minimum charge of RMB 80 Yuan is required for each person.

( 晚宴將是中餐宴會,最低消費每位80 元,不包括酒水)

3. What drinks are you going to have for the banquet? (宴會需要什麼酒水?)

4. We don’t have any tables by the windows available. (現在沒有靠窗的位子了。)

5. Let me just confirm your reservation. (讓我來確認一下您的預訂。)

6. I’d like to cancel my reservation for Saturday night. (我想要取消週六晚上的預訂。)

7. I’d like a private room for 15 people at eight thirty tomorrow evening. (我想訂明晚8點半可以容納15人的'包間。

8. We can only keep your private room till 7:30 pm, since that is the peak season. (您的預訂我們只能爲您保留到晚上7點30分,因爲那段是高峯期。)

9. Is there anything I can do for you?( 還有什麼需要我做的嗎?)

10. We look forward to seeing you. (我們恭候您的光臨。)

11. Could you give me some more napkins? (請多給我幾張紙巾.)

12. Do you have vegetarian dishes? (你們供應素食嗎?)

13. What would you like to drink? (您喝點什麼?)

14. Here are our cold dishes, sir. (先生,這是我們的涼菜。)

15. You might as well have a taste of Shaoxing rice wine. (您不妨嚐嚐紹興黃酒。)

16. We have fresh orange juice, apple juice, watermelon juice. (我們有鮮榨的橙汁、蘋果汁、西瓜汁。)

17. Can I bring wine and liquor by myself? (我可以自帶酒水嗎?)

18. Could you bring me a pair of chopsticks, please? (請給我拿雙筷子好嗎?)

19. This dish is called “Mapo Beancurd”. Enjoy it. (這道菜叫麻婆豆腐,請慢用。

20. After serving the last dish, you should tell the guests, “ This is the complete course.” (當上最後一道菜時,你需要告訴客人“您好,菜已上齊。”)

21. Please hold the food; we still have one friend coming. (請稍後上菜,我們還有一個朋友沒到。)

22. 您先喝什麼茶?紅茶還是綠茶?(What kind of tea would you prefer to begin/start with, black tea or green tea?)

23. 再給我來一杯。 ( Make it two, please. )外語技能大賽主題

24. Please wrap the Beijing Roast Duck in the pancake with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce. ( 請用蔥和甜麪醬將北京烤鴨包在煎餅裏。)

25. Chinese cuisine has a long history, and is one of the Chinese cultural treasures. ( 中國菜有着悠久的歷史,是中國文化中的瑰寶。)

26. In general, people in north China favor noodles, dumplings and other staples made from flour, whilst the majority of southerners consume rice almost daily.(總的來說,中國北方人比較喜歡麪條,水餃和其他主食,而大多數南方人每天以米飯爲主。)

27. How many steps are taken to cook these dishes? (做這些菜需要多少個步驟?)

28. How long shall I stir the soup? (我需要把湯攪拌多久?)外語技能大賽主題

29. To cook Chinese food, knifing skills and matching of ingredients are of equal importance. (做中國菜,刀工和菜式的搭配同等重要。)

30. Shall we cook the pork over low heat? ( 豬肉需要低溫烹調嗎?)

31. A deposit of RMB 500 Yuan is required to secure your booking. ( 您需預交500元押金去確保您的預訂。)

32. Let me make you a special offer. (我給你一個特別優惠價。)

33. Shall I make a recommendation? (需要我推薦嗎?

34. Here are some complimentary vouchers for you. You can pay with them next

time when you have dinner in our restaurant. (我們有一些贈券送給您,下次在我們餐廳用餐時可以使用。)

35. We can arrange a few skillful waitresses to do that so that every guest can enjoy the dish at the same time. (我們將會安排一些技能嫺熟的服務人員確保每位客人都能夠同時用餐。)

36. It would be on the house. ( 那是免費的。)

37. I’m really sorry about that, I’ll tell the chef to hurry. (真抱歉,我會讓廚師快一點。)

38. Sorry to having kept you waiting. I’ll see to it right away. ( 讓您久等,抱歉,我馬上去處理。)
