

1. 與定冠詞、指示代詞、形容詞性物主代詞、名詞所有格等連用時,應放在這些詞之前而不是之後,並且一般還可在它們之間加介詞of。如:


All (Both) of the books are interesting. 所有這些(這兩本)書都很有趣。

All (Both) the books are interesting. 所有這些(這兩本)書都很有趣。

All (Both) of her children live abroad. 她的所有(兩個)孩子都住在國外

All (Both) her children live abroad. 她的所有(兩個)孩子都住在國外。

All (Both) of these vases bought 10 years ago 所有這些(這一對)花瓶都是10年前買的。

All (Both) these vases bought 10 years ago 所有這些(這一對)花瓶都是10年前買的。

2. 在人稱代詞之前只能用 all of / both of(不能沒有of),而在單獨使用的名詞(即沒有其他詞修飾)之前只能用 all / both(不能有of)。如:

正:All (Both) of us are interested in it. 我們所有的人(兩人)都對它有興趣。

誤:All (Both) us are interested in it.

正:All (Both) children like toys. 所有(兩個)孩子都喜歡玩具。

誤:All (Both) of children like toys.

3. 用作主語同位語時,其位置不一定是緊跟在主語之後,而通常放在行爲動詞之前,特殊動詞(包括助動詞、情態動詞、動詞be)之後。如:

They were all (both) asleep. 我們都(倆都)睡着了。

We have all (both) read the book. 我們都(倆都)讀過這本書。

若特殊動詞單獨使用,則all / both應放在它們之前。如:

How kind they all are! 他們都是多麼友好啊!

You haven’t been there, but we both have. 你們沒去過那兒,但我們倆去過。

4. 兩者均可與否定詞連用,且均構成部分否定。如:

Not all Americans like hamburgers. 不是所有美國人都喜歡漢堡包。

Not both the girls like the same boy. 並不是兩個女孩都喜歡這同一個男孩子。

5. all有時單獨使用,籠統地表示所有的人,此時通常具有複數意義;或籠統地表示所有的事物或現象等,此時通常具有單數意義。如:

All is well with us. 我們一切都很順利。

All are present today. 今天全體出席了。


All is silent. 萬籟俱寂。

All are silent. 人人都沉默不語。

這樣用的all還可後接定語從句,指事物時通常用all that…的形式,指人時通常用all (those) who…這樣的形式。如:

All that glitters is not gold. 閃光的東西不都是金子。

He has done all that is necessary. 他做了一切必須做的事情。

All (those) who wish to apply must do so in writing. 所有願申請者都必須提出書面申請。

6. 單獨使用的both無論表示人還是事物,均具有複數意義。如:

Both were offered jobs immediately. 兩人都被立即給予了工作。

There were two dogs on the porch. Both were fast asleep. 門廊上有兩條狗,都在熟睡。

另外,all 還可用作副詞,用法如下:

1. 表示“完全”“全部”,其後可接形容詞、副詞、介詞短語等。如:

I’m all for your plan. 我完全贊成你的計劃。

She lives all by herself. 她一個人生活。

The coffee went all over my trousers. 咖啡全灑在我褲子上了。

I’m all for pubs being open all day. 我完全贊成酒館整日營業。


He was all excited. 他興奮極了。

Now don’t get all upset about it. 別爲那件事太煩惱了。

2. 用於“the+比較級”之前,表示“更加”。如:

If that is the case, all the better. 如果事實是那樣,那就更好了。

I feel all the better for that swim. 游泳之後,我感覺更舒服了.


1. They go as fast as they can.

as…as sb. (one) can = as …as possible 儘可能地……


I will work as hard as I can. 我將盡可能努力工作。

He ran as fast as he could. 他拼命地跑。

Please come here as soon as you can. 請儘快來這裏。

2. We call the first Olympic Games the ancient Olympics.


call sb. / sth. +n. 稱呼某人/某物……,後面的名詞作賓語補足語。

例:We call the boy DaMao. 我們稱呼那個男孩大毛。



We chose him our monitor at yesterday's class meeting.


I find him a clever boy. 我覺得他是個聰明的孩子。

3. It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an American swimmer, had finished at the same time.



It seems that +從句

seem to be +adj.

seem +adj.

例:Danny seemed excited. (Danny seemed to be excited.)


seem to do sth.

例:When his wife's pet cat died, Alan didn't seem to care at all.


4. Diving is one of the most popular events at the Olympics.


one of… ……其中之一,後常加級及名詞複數。例:

Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world.


5. Make your country proud. 使你的.國家因你而自豪。

proud作賓語補足語,修飾賓語your country;


make the bed 鋪牀 make tea 沏茶

make dumplings 包餃子 make a car 製造汽車

be made of 由……製成

make sb. /sth. +n. 使某人/某物成爲……

made sb. /sth. +adj. 使某人/某物如何……

make sb. /sth. do 使某人/某物做某事

名詞/形容詞/do (不定式,省to),作賓語補足語。

6. …his team came in twentieth. 他的隊第二十名。

twentieth 第二十


ninety→ninetieth fifty→fiftieth

7. We had such an interesting day at school today.


這句話也可以說成:We had so interesting a day at school today.


It is so interesting a film that we all want to see it once more.


Thanks a lot for sending me such beautiful pictures by e-mail!


He is so weak that he can't work on.


8. If I don't. I won't be able to sleep tonight.



I'll go to the park with my friends if it doesn't rain tomorrow.


9. If he practises walking on pizzas, he'll do better next time.


finish, enjoy, practise, keep, mind後常加動名詞作賓語。例:

You'd better practise speaking English both in and after class.
