
  Part 1

you like a natural environment?


abundant 豐富的

greenery 花草樹木的總稱

wildfowl 一個野生動物

linger 漫遊,漫步

chirp 小鳥的.叫聲



Have you ever been camping before?

If you could pick a camping place, where would it be?

Is camping popular in China?

Would you like to try camping in the future?

What kinds of problems would you have while camping?

What kinds of preparation do people need to do for camping?

Should parents bring their young children for camping?

mild 溫和的

muggy weather 悶熱的天氣

drizzle 小雨

pour 大雨

wash away 沖走

overcast weather 陰天

upset 鬱悶

breeze 微風
