


More than 2,000 years ago, the philosopher socrateswandered around athens asking questions, anapproach to find truth that thinkers venerated eversince.(1)____(2)____ in modem times, the socraticmethod was adapted for use in universities andbecame the dominant form of instruction forstudents learning philosophy and the law. the mostrecently national survey on the subject found that 97% of law-school professors use thesocratic method in first-year classes.(3)____ socratic dialogues seem to work for the ancientgreeks.(4)____ are they efficient for people today?(5)____ recently, a group of researchersdecided to find out.

In a study published in the december 2011 issue of the journal mind, brain, and education, fourcognitive scientists from argentina describe what happened when they asked contemporaryhigh school and college students a series of questions identified to those posed by socrates.(6)____ in one of his most famous lessons, socrates showed a young slave boy with a square,then led him through a series of 50 questions intended to teach the boy how to draw thesecond square with an area twice as large as the first.(7)____ students in the 2011 experiment,led by researcher andrea goldin, gave answers astonishing similar to those offered by socrates'pupils, even making the same mistakes he made.(8)____(9)____ " our results show that thesocratic dialogue is built on a strong intuition of human knowledge and reasoning whichpersist more than twenty-four centuries after its conception," the researchers write.(10)____their findings, goldin and his co-authors add, demonstrate the existence of "human cognitiveuniversalstraversing time and cultures. "


→finding詞彙錯誤。approach作名詞的用法是approach to sth/doing sth; to是介詞,後面應該接名詞或動名詞,表示“做某事的途徑,方法”。

2.∧venerated→have語法錯誤。ever since意爲“從那時起”,通常與現在完成時連用,故此句的時態要用現在完成時,應在venerated前加have。


→seemed語法錯誤。本句中的ancient greeks暗示蘇格拉底的對話式教學方法對古希臘人是有效的,這是對過去事物的描述,所以動詞應該用過去時態。


tified→identical。identified意爲“被識別的,被認可的”,用在此處解釋不通。identical to是固定搭配,意爲“同樣的,與……相同的”,此句的大意是“四位科學家向我們描述當代高中生和大學生在被問及當年蘇格拉底曾提出的相類似的問題時,發生了什麼情況?”

→with語法錯誤。動詞show後面接雙賓語時,其結構爲show sb. sth.或者show sth to sb.,所以此處應刪掉介詞with。


ls→pupil語法錯誤。此處pupil所指的就是上文出現的a young slave boy.而不是泛指socrates的一些學生,所以應該用單數形式。根據下文出現的he也可知此娃同指上文的the boy。

10. persist→persists語法錯誤。persist的主語which所代替的先行詞是a strong intuition,是一個單數概念的詞,所以謂語動詞也要用單數形式。


Arabic language is one of the world's most widely used languages. it is the officer language of many arab nations in the middle east and northern africa.(1)____ there are two types of arabic, spoken and written spoken arabic comprises of dialects ill different areas of the arabic-speaking world.(2)____these dialects can be rough divided into gulf, iraqi, levantine, maghrebi, north egyptian, saudi, south egyptian and sudanase and tunisian.(3)____ these dialect areas can be subdivided farther.(4)____ written arabic serves as the standard written language of all arab nations. it is the descendant of the language of the quran, the scared book of the islamic religion.(5)____ arabs use a spoken form of written arabic for radio and tv news broadcasts, and in plays and motion pictures. this form also serves as a common spoken language for arabs who speaks different dialects. arabic belongs to the semitic language groups, and is thus related to hebrew and ethiopic.(6)____ the arabic alphabet has 28 symbols. the alphabet is written from right to left or from the top of the page to the bottom. the alphabet appears in the aiphabet article.

No one knows when arabic originally developed, and people of the arabian peninsula were the first use it. during the ad.(7)____(8)____ 600s, islam spread throughout south western asia and northern africa, and the arabic language was introduced in these areas. since the mid-1900s, many arab countries have played increasingly important role in world affairs.(9)____ in a result, arabic has become a major language in international business and politics.(10)____



→of或comprises→consists詞彙錯誤。comprise爲及物動詞,表示“由……組成”,後面不需要跟介詞of,故將of刪除。此外,consists of也表示“由……組成”,因此本題也可將comprises改爲consists。






8. first∧→to語法錯誤。在 it中謂語動詞爲were,故use不能用動詞原形,只能用動詞的非謂語形式。此處在use前加to.用不定式作後置定語修飾the first,表示“最先使用阿拉伯語的人”,符合上下文語義。

ed∧→an詞彙錯誤。play a role in...是固定搭配,意爲“在……方面起作用”。此處的played後面缺少不定冠詞,且由於increasingly是以元音開頭的詞,故需要在played後加上不定冠詞an。

→as詞彙錯誤。as a result爲固定搭配,意爲“作爲結果,因此”,故將in改爲as。此處意爲“因此,阿拉伯語已經成爲目前國際經濟和政治中使用的一門主要語言。”