

長治久安 maintain prolonged stability

崇尚科學 respect and promote science

傳播先進文化 spread advanced culture

傳統安全威脅 traditional threats to security

從嚴治軍 the army must be strict with itself

黨的領導方式 the Party's style of leadership

黨的民族政策 the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities

黨的.僑務政策 the Party's policy toward overseas Chinese affairs

黨的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party's policy toward the freedom of religious belief

黨風廉政建設責任制 responsibility system for improving the Party's work style and building clean government

工人階級的先鋒隊 the vanguard of the working class

生產力、生產關係、經濟基礎、上層建築 productive force, relation of production, economic base, superstructure constitute

科學技術是第一生產力 science and technology are the primary productive force

社會主義物質文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilizations of socialism

有理想、有道德、有文化、有紀律的公民 citizens with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better education and good sense of discipline

自立意識、競爭意識、效率意識、民主法制意識和開拓創新意識 self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy, the legal system, and the pioneering and innovative spirit

依法治國和以德治國 the rule of law and the rule of virtue

科教興國戰略 the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education

倡導愛國主義、集體主義、社會主義思想,反對和抵制拜金主義、享樂主義、極端個人主義等腐朽思想 advocate patriotism, collectivism and socialism, combat and resist money worship,hedonism, ultra-egoism decadent ideas

先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂 be concern about the country and the people before anything else

全心全意為人民服務、立黨為公、執政為民 serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and assumes power for the people

解放思想、實事求是 emancipating the mind, seeking truth from the facts

主觀主義、形而上學 subjectivism, metaphysics

民主集中制、黨內民主 democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy

集體領導、民主集中、個別醖釀、會議決定 collective leadership, democratic centralism, case-specific consultation, decision through meeting

按照客觀規律和科學規律辦事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws

八個堅持、八個反對 eight do’s and eight don’ts

八項主張 eight-point proposal

保持昂揚向上的精神狀態 be filled with an enterprising spirit

保證中央的政令暢通 ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried out without fail

標本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes

不確定因素 uncertainties

參政議政 participation in and deliberation of state affairs

長期共存、互相監督、肝膽相照、榮辱與共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe

長治久安 maintain prolonged stability
