


in order to

so as to


Water is utilized for producing electric power.

水可用以發電。Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution.

石蕊試紙可用以測試溶液是否含酸。Ordain and prescribe suggest a more impersonal authority such as the in 和 prescribe

多用以指如法律等非個人的權力rsand:The symbol "&" for the word "and".

&號:用以代替英文and字的符號。Town net

(用以採取水上植物的)撈網mold burlap

澆鑄石膏時用以加固的粗麻布Fishes is used to refer to different species of fish fishes

的形式是用以指魚的不同品種These verbs can also indicate somebody's physical ability to perceive with the senses

這些動詞還可用以表示某人的感官能力Heat treatment can be used to condition all types of combinations of organic wastewater sludge.

熱處理可用以調節各種混合的'有機廢水污泥。"beacon:a signaling or guiding device, such as a lighthouse, located on a coast."


n. 爲了做某事;順序;命令;點的飯菜;法院指令;匯票;等待隊列;治安,秩序

v. 點菜,訂購;命令;有效地安排

To repeat an order

繼續訂貨、再次訂購 external ordering

外次序 You have to take orders.

你必須服從命令。The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry.

嘉德勳位是古老的騎士勳位An inactive order. It is not a tradable order unless user activates the order, place to the market.
