



dead water


Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes

死水滋生蚊蟲。Water lying stagnant in ponds and ditches

池塘和溝中的死水.A stagnant pool or backwater.


n. 死水,滯水,停滯,回水;不接受外界事件或新思想影響的地方,閉塞的地方

It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in the modern Europe.

說北愛爾蘭是現代歐洲死氣沉沉的落後地區已是陳詞濫調了。Life in a backwater of Southern Russia has begun to grow weary for the Moscow-educated couple

死氣沉沉的俄國南部生活一定使這對在莫斯科受過高等教育的夫婦感到厭煩。The running of family fortunes has always been a backwater—albeit a lucrative one—of the investment management business(Business Week).

家庭未來的趨勢一直處於投資管理商務的'停滯狀態——儘管有有利的一面(商務週刊)。Ago Bay is no longer a quiet backwater. Today it is a busy port surrounded by residential and tourist development

AGO BAY已不再是平靜的海灣,今天它的周圍是蓬勃發展的旅遊業和居民區。dead是什麼意思:

adj. 死的;枯的;無生命的;失效的;麻木的;已廢的;完全的;沉悶的

n. 死人,死者

adv. 全然地,絕對地;直接地

Let the dead Bury the dead

往事不重提;一切向前看;過去就讓它過去Friendless is the dead

沒有朋友者,等於是死人It is a dead volcano.

那是座死火山。Mars is a dead planet; a dead battery; dead soil; dead coals; the fire is dead.

火星是一個死星球;用完了的電池; 死者不能復活。

貧瘠的土壤;熄滅了的煤;火已經熄滅了。 The dead can not be recalled to life.
