
SAT是美國高中生進入美國大學需要參加的考試,也就是美國的大學聯考。近年來,越來越多的準備去美國讀本科的中國高中生開始參加SAT的考試。 SAT寫作是整個SAT考試的`第一部分,要求在25分鐘內寫完。很多高中生反映寫不好SAT作文,得分很低。在接下來的幾天裏,我會將我評改的一些SAT 習作放到這裏,供同學們學習和借鑑,希望對準備參加SAT考試的同學有一些幫助。


Topic: Teaching something to another person can help you to learn or master a subject or process?

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. One who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach.- Tryon Edwards, Dictionary of Thoughts

Assignment: Do you think that teaching something to another person can help you to learn or master a subject or process? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experiences, or observations.


學生習作(第一段) 語言修改 Tryon Edwards took a firm stand, saying that if you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. One who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach. It means that teaching something to another people can help people learn a subject well. To me, I definitely believe it is true--- teaching can make the teacher master a process better---because I have experienced and read such things in my daily life. Tryon Edwards took a firm stand, saying that if you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. One who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach. This means that teaching something to another person can help you to learn a subject me, I definitely believe it is true---teaching can make the teacher master a process better--- because I have experienced and read such things in my daily life.