
dear mr. huang,


i am interested in applying for a position as a electronic engineer at centurycom. i found the position advertised at the placement office at fudan university. i will graduate in june in electronical engineering and hope to start my career at that time. during the past four years i have had a good deal of academic experience in communication technology. as an active member of the fudan society of computer communication, i learned much about the practical challenges mechanical engineers face each day, and about

the strategic significances of collaborating with fellow team members. in my position with excelcom, i was able to test and sharpen the skills i was learning at school and use them on a regular basis. in addition to the responsibilities noted in my resume, i designed an innovative software program that compiled data used by other firms and interpreted the results for the sales division at excelcom. my experience of working with others has given me confidence in my interpersonal skills and decision-ma-ki-ng abilities, particularly in the area of computer communication. and i believe that ma-ki-ng a contribution to a general goal goes much further than simply

possessing skills; one must have the ability to work toward a consensus everyone can live with.

i am available for an interview at any time convenient to you. i can be reached by phone at 48202928. thank you for your time and consideration.


應聘設計師求職信範文 [篇2]





2017至2017年畢業於xx廣播電視大學蕪湖分校,電子商務專業,在校期間就對設計行業非常的渴望,曾自學3ds max、auto cad、photoshop、dream weaver,還了解coreldraw、illustrator,並且對這些設計軟件非常的愛好,對自學的'那些已掌握了一些基本的操作,能繪製一些基本的實物圖,然而我並沒有滿足,更沒有放棄,還一直在自學。只可惜自學總歸自學,並不能完全掌握,所以一直都在尋找一個能實踐的平臺,希望自己能如願以償!另外,我雖不是計算機專業,但自信對計算機的瞭解和操作不比計算機專業的學生差!

在校學習的課餘時間裏,只要是談論或者實踐有關計算機方面的知識,我都會與學友一起討論和學習!那時就已熟練掌握office辦公軟件,曾在社區做過 兼職 文員。學習之餘還通過在網上了解電腦知識,代朋友組裝了一臺在當時配置很好的電腦,從而也就使自己在電腦硬件知識方面有了很大提高!


今日得知貴公司有與此相關的工作崗位需要招人,就以最大的誠心和信心來送交自己的 簡歷 和 求職 信,我相信以自己對工作認真負責的態度,以自己比較深厚的基礎和專業愛好跟興趣,憑着對自己負責的心理和有着十足的信心把工作做好的決心,再加上您公司能錄用我,給我提供平臺的上好條件,我肯定能勝任此工作職位,並且相信貴公司能讓我擁有施展才能的另一片天空,我也會通過自己的努力讓貴公司的事業更上一層樓。

隨信附有我的個人 簡歷 。如有機會與您面談,我將十分感謝。即使貴公司認爲我還不符合你們的條件,我也將一如既往地關注貴公司的發展,並致以最誠摯的祝願。



