


  英國節禮日節的英文名字:Boxing Day

1. 節禮日這天美國的許多商店開始火爆甩賣許多商品,都是以5折銷售或者是更加便宜。

In the US stores hold special sales, where things can be bought at half price or even cheaper, on the day after Christmas.

2. 去年,米德爾頓只是受邀參加了王室成員在聖誕第二天節禮日的聖誕狩獵活動。

Last year Middleton was only invited to spend the following day, Boxing Day, with the royals.

3. 平安夜人們開盛大派對來慶賀,節禮日12月26日)則出門購物。---現在都變成節禮周了。每個商店,超市,只要是賣東西,都瘋狂打折。

Celebrate the in Christmas Eve with Crazy Party, and go shopping in Boxing days(Dec 26)- now it turn to Boxing week, you will get the BIG discount in any kinds of store, supermarket or whatover palces to sale somethong.

4. 在節禮日當天,許多商店門口一大早就排了長隊。

In Boxing Day, many shop doors on the early morning row in a long queue.

5. 節禮日12月26日這是一個公共節日。

Boxing Day-26 December This is a public holiday.

6. 12月26日,很多來自遠東地區的購物大軍涌入節禮日打折季。熬夜排隊,七嘴八舌,甚至還能打羣架這一幕幕混亂場面於當日在全英上演。

Overnight queues, pandemonium, and even the odd punch-up chaotic scenes played out across the country as a huge influx of shoppers, many from the Far East, flooded the Boxing Day sales.

  聖誕夜的.英文名字:Christmas Eve

1. 媽媽包裹了聖誕節禮物和黏附了'em 在樹下和說一些'em weren't 從我,起因爸爸couldn't 購買'em 。I'll 從未忘記我坐直整體夜cryin 的那聖誕節。

Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up and stuck'em under the tree and said some of'em weren't from me, cause daddy couldn't buy'em. I'll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night cryin.

2. 聖誕夜你會做什麼?

What will you do on Christmas Eve.

3. 我們將有個美妙的聖誕夜。

We`ll have a wonderful Christmas Eve.

4. 在聖誕夜。當保羅走出他的辦公室。

On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office.

5. 我只想讓你知道這個聖誕夜我平安無事

I just wanted you to know that I'm safe this Christmas night.

6. 這是聖誕夜,吉姆,爲了你我才賣了頭髮,我的頭髮也許是數的清的,但我對你的愛確實數不清的。

And this is the eveing before Christmas, Jim.

  耶穌受難日的英文名字:Good Friday

1. 它是耶穌受難日,一個非官方指定的日子,一個假日消費旺季的開始。

It`s black Friday, a day on officially destinative, started a holiday shopping season.

2. 節日(2001年):獨立日(1月1日)、獨立英雄日(1月2日)、懺悔日(2月26日半天)、耶穌受難日(4月13日)、泛美日(4月14日)、勞動節(5月1日)、國旗節(5月18日)、國家主權日(5月22日)、聖母升天節(8月15日)、聯合國日(10月24日)、萬靈節(11月2日,半天)、建軍節和韋蒂耶爾戰役紀念日(11月18日)、伊斯帕尼奧拉島發現日(12月5日)、聖誕節(12月25日)。

Holidays (2001): Jan. 1, Jan. 2. Feb. 26, Apr. 13, Apr. 14 (Pan-American Day), May 1, May 18, May 22, Aug. 15, Oct. 24, Nov. 2 (All Souls'Day, half day), Nov. 18 (Army Day and Commemoration of the Battle of Vertieres), Dec. 5, Dec. 25.

3. 羅馬耶穌受難日祈禱,然而,類似的進口本一長串,按照福音;也是如此大的克萊門汀Synapte ,拜占庭,和其他東歐儀式已申請同一類型,其中之一是也許原始的

The Roman Good Friday prayers, however, which are similar in import to this litany, follow the Gospel; and so does the Great Synapte of Clementine, the Byzantine, and other Eastern rites which have petitions of the same type, and one of which is probably the original source of the Prex.

4. 它是耶穌受難日一個民間約定俗成的假日購物節的開始。

It's Black Friday, a day unofficially designated the start of a holiday shopping season.

5. 在耶穌受難日,朝聖者們將沿着耶穌的足跡走過這十四個地點,然後朝拜耶穌走向十字架的地方。

On Good Friday, pilgrims will visit the Via Dolorosa, following Jesus'path to the14 Stations of the Cross.

6. 香料足足,葡萄乾滿滿的餐包是用雞蛋和黃油做的,據傳耶穌在四旬齋的時候就是吃這個的,所以後來人們在耶穌受難日當天的早餐都吃十字餐包。

The spiced, raisin-studded buns are made with eggs and butter, which Christians were forbidden to eat during the40 days of Lent, and were usually eaten for breakfast on Good Friday.

7. 聖禮拜四是指受難日,也就是復活節前的禮拜五,之前的那個禮拜四,按照傳統,耶穌在受難日行刑。

Maundy Thursday refers to the Thursday before Good Friday, which is the Friday before Easter, and on Good Friday according to the tradition Jesus was executed.