


英文說課稿 篇1


本堂課是一堂會考複習課,如果從分析教材來講,本課話題主要是出現在仁愛英語九年級(下)Unit 5之中,主要講的是讓學生認識定語從句,瞭解定語從句的結構,並能熟練的運用定語從句。但是對於一堂會考複習課來講,我覺得應當從會考英語對本課話題的難易度要求以及考點的探究入手。從歷年的會考真題來看,對於定語從句的考察主要體現在單選題、完型填空和閱讀理解中。當然還有就是從作文之中體現出來。而且我們知道,如今的會考英語,更側重於在語境之中來考察語法和詞彙項目,強化對學生語言運用能力的考察。













第一步:創設情景 歌曲導入

我選擇了英文歌曲《Lemon Tree》來導入本課的知識,請學生把歌曲最後一句空缺的詞填上。I wonder how I wonder why

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

Is just a yellow lemon tree (答案:that, that, that)

根據以上所說的2句I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much ? all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.請學生分析這兩個句子中劃線部分所出現的語法現象,由此導入到“定語從句”。簡單但動感的FLASH很符合學生的口味,學習興趣一下被調動起來。重要的是本歌的歌詞中含有定語從句,可以於歡快的節奏中導引學生輕鬆自然地進入語法話題。






第二部:合併定語從句。貫徹由易漸難的原則,先從相對簡單的題型開練,重點鞏固關係代詞的選擇,並在第一題:The woman is our English teacher、He speaks English very well、→The woman who(that) speaks English very well is our English teacher











英文說課稿 篇2



本課是國中牛津英語8B第七單元Water Talk課文的教學。這篇課文是一篇較長的閱讀文章。八年級的英語教學突出了閱讀文章的教學,而長篇文章的閱讀也恰是同學們學習的難點。如何處理好此篇閱讀文章的教學,如何讓學生對文章有整體的把握與理解以及對部分生詞有初步的掌握,將是本課着重解決的問題。本課雖是閱讀教學,但是在教學中,本課也有針對性地對學生的聽, 說, 讀, 寫進行了一定的操練, 以便提高學生綜合運用語言的能力。本課課文所涉及的內容爲水的旅程,聯繫了生活實際,是學生較爲熟知的話題;同時將水擬人化,增加了文章的趣味性。本堂課將着眼於課本,充分挖掘文章的知識性以及趣味性。


Teaching objectives:

1. Language objectives:

To learn the new words: precious, vanish, a sewage plant, a water treatment works, thorough, etc.

To get to know water’s journey.

2. Skill objectives:

To find out the information according to the given questions.

To improve the students’ skills in using some verbs to describe facts.

3. Emotional objectives:

To arouse the students’ awareness of the importance and necessity of saving




1、在課前設定閱讀任務, 讓學生帶着任務進行閱讀, 增強閱讀的目的,對文本有一個整體把握

2 、在教學中, 指導學生掌握閱讀的步驟和方法,加強泛讀與精讀的訓練。

3、在教學中, 注意啓發和引導學生質疑問題。

4、在教學中, 指導和訓練學生掌握閱讀的基本技巧, 比如教給學生圈點、劃線﹑改寫等方法。



Teaching procedures:

Pre-task 環節,激發興趣,做好鋪墊。

1. Let students read a poem and guess to elicit the topic—Water. (引發興趣)

2. Ask students to say something about water to elicit a new word— precious.(以舊帶新)

3. Ask the students to finish Water’s talk in groups. Check whether the students understand the main idea of the passage.(旨在對文章的整體把握)


1. Introduce Daisy’s bathroom and teach some words--- tap, sink, drain. (由圖片引出課文生詞,處理文中的開頭部分)

2. Read aloud the rewritten reading part on the slide and tell why water was angry.(閱讀被改寫過的段落後,同學們就水爲什麼會生氣這一問題進行思考。)

3. Ask the students to read the first part of the passage and use the new words to replace the expressions in the rewritten part. (對照被改寫的段落,在書上圈出不同的地方,看似簡單的任務,卻很好地調動了學生,讓學生輕鬆地掌握了生詞的英語釋義。)

4. Play the recording of the second part and let the students find out the places water passed in order. (聽段落,把握大意,篩選信息。)

5. Show the students some pictures and let them tell what water did and what happened to water. Students are required to use the key verbs.


6. Get the students to know the end of water’s journey and learn the new word --- a sewage plant. Make sure the students know water’s cycle.(問題設問,鋪墊下文)

7. Prepare some questions about water’s journey and have them wok out the questions in groups.(小組問題競答,檢查與鞏固課文內容。)

Post-task 環節,總結與拓展。

1. Get the students to have a competition. They take turns to write a flow chart of water’s journey in four and one of them read it out after completing it.(小組比賽,完成水旅程的流程圖,更進一步地檢測並鞏固所學內容。)

2. Let the students watch a flash on water’ cycle and tell what they think of the journey.

Try to arouse their awareness of the importance of saving water.(情意昇華,珍惜水資源。)

Homework 作業佈置

1. Read the passage after the tape.

2. Use the given words to finish a short passage at least 60 words with the topic of ‘Water’s journey’.(寫話練習是對所學內容的複習與鞏固)

英文說課稿 篇3

一、 說課標



(一) 教材地位和教學內容分析 本課是高一必修模塊1第4單元的閱讀課型,這單元圍繞earthquakes這一主題開展聽、說、讀、寫多種教學活動。Reading設計爲本單元的第2課時。本課型是單元整體教學的重要環節,爲學生的語言學習、語法學習提供了載體,並且是學生獲取信息的主要來源。“Reading――― A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP” 具體描寫1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震後。本篇文章詞彙量大,運用了大量的動詞、複雜的數字,出現許多定語從句,篇幅較長,並且採用一些修辭手法,對學生的語言閱讀能力提出了更高的要求。但文章的結構較明顯,較容易歸納出各部分的中心詞。


1. 語言知識目標:


b)學習掌握與地震相關的詞彙,如:shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam,ruin,injure,destroy,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bury,coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent等,以及 right away, at an end, dig out, give out, thousands of以及一些優美句子的賞析。

2. 語言技能目標:


b) 讓學生複述課文,分析、感悟作者的寫作意圖。

c) 讓學生運用本節課所學詞彙、知識,通過採訪唐山大地震倖存者的形式進行小組活動,提高學生用英語進行創造性交流的能力。







1. 重點






3)重點掌握有關地震的詞彙,特別是shake, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, quake, rescue, disaster, army, organize, bury, shelter。 4)欣賞並理解課文中優美句子,讓學生掌握一些英語修辭用法。


1) 如何使學生養成科學的閱讀習慣,提高閱讀理解能力和語言水平。

2) 如何使學生學會提取、篩選和重組文章中的信息,並靈活運用於語言實踐中,達到語言實踐能力的擴展與提高。

三、 教學方法

1、任務型語言教學法 任務型語言教學認爲:人們使用語言的過程就是一個完成各種各樣任務的過程。任務型學習強調通過“做中學”、“學中做”,使學生在完成任務的過程中習得語言。本課組織學生四至五人組成一個學習小組,進行一次就地震後倖存者的訪問。該設計基於課文內容,但又不侷限於課文的範疇,旨在貫徹“做中學”、“學中做”策略,吸引和組織他們積極參與,並通過討論、交流和合作等方式,在自然、真實的情境中,完成任務,體會、掌握語言的應用,達到學以致用的目的。

2.直觀法(視聽教學法) 充分利用多媒體教學手段,通過播放影視剪輯,與課文主題相關的圖片、圖表等直觀手段,在充分調動學生學習興趣的同時,降低學習難度,突破重難點。

3.合作學習教學法 合作學習教學法是以小組活動爲主體的一種教學活動,一種同伴之間的合作互動活動。合作學習教學法有利於改善課堂心理氣氛、大面積提高學生的學業成績、促進學生良好非智力品質的發展,調整學生的語言焦慮感。因此,本課打破傳統的教師單向灌輸,採用“四至五人組成一個學習小組”的課堂教學結構,來組織教學,旨在營造輕鬆的學習氛圍,爲積極學習提供有利的條件,讓學生在完成任務的過程中通過互相交流,降低語言焦慮感,獲得愉快的學習經歷,從而對學習本身和所學內容產生興趣感。


STEP1 導入 lead-in 在課堂開始,我會給學生播放一段有馮小剛導演拍的電影《唐山大地震》的片段節選,讓學生能通過電影能理解和體會到自然災害給人類帶來的巨大災難。讓後直接導入今天的課題。這個能激發學生去了解這篇文章的興趣,積極加入課堂。

Step2 pre-reading 讀前 在這個環節我會在學生在讀這篇文章之前給出幾個問題。但是並不要求學生馬上給出答案。而是要求在下一環節的閱讀中找出答案。

Step3 while reading 在這個環節當中我設計了3個活動 第一個活動 activity1 fast reading 給學生幾分鐘的時間,讓後讓學生快速閱讀這篇文章,並找出在讀前所給題的答案,在讀完文章之後,讓幾個同學來進行回答。 第二個活動 activity2 scanning 放錄音,讓學生跟隨錄音快速閱讀,並要求學生找出每一段落的中心句,並在讀完之後,要求得出這篇文章的整體大意。並讓學生起來進行回答 第三個答案:acrtivity3 task 在這一環節當中我會設計一個任務。任務類型爲知識的搶答。 首先我會將整個班級分爲若干個小組,每組有七到八個人。並選出小組長。這一環節中我設計了十個對錯題,(true or false),要求學生以小組的形式進行搶答。並作出得分記錄,最後還要評選出第一名。在搶答過程當中,我並不只單單是以遊戲的形式來完成這一任務,只是簡單的完成對錯題,我會要求每組在搶答的過程當中,要對他們所選的答案進行解釋說明爲什麼。讓學生在這個過程當中真正玩有所得。

Step 4 post-reading 這一環節我會把我們所讀的這篇文章設計成一篇閱讀題的模式,設計五道選擇題,用幻燈片展示出來,並讓學生進行選擇。題目的設計會以文章的主旨大意和一些細節作爲試題。這讓學生能在這一環節當中對剛剛已經學習知識進行鞏固。

Step5 summary 在這一環節中我會整堂課做一個簡短的總結,並再一次強調本次課的重難點。讓學生明確本課的重點,再一次明確課堂目標。和引導學生對這篇文章的情感態度進行昇華。

Step6 homework 作業




英文說課稿 篇4

Good afternoon, every one. It is my great honor to stand here to present my lesson. To make my presentation clearer, I will explain my lesson plan in the following parts

Part One: Analysis of the teaching material

Reading teaching is a very important part in English teaching. New Curriculum standard requires that students should get some kinds of information, enlarge their knowledge, enjoy and get gum, cultivate and develop their reading skills through reading.

The lesson I am going to talk about is the reading part in Chapter6 from Oxford English 7A. It is a story about a crew’s adventure on another planet. The title is Nobody wins. Part One of the story appears in Chapter 5 and students will know the result of the story in this chapter. Students only know part of the story in Chapter5, so they will be very interested and eager to know the result of the story. They may be very exciting when they know the result.

Part Two: Teaching aims

According to my understanding of the material and students, I establish the following teaching aims:

1. Students can read and understand the story.

2. Students can develop their guessing, skimming and scanning skills.

3. Students can build up their self-confidence and learn how to cooperate with others well.

Teaching key point and difficult point:

The key point of this lesson is to develop students’ scanning and skimming skills. The difficult point of this lesson is some difficult words in the story.

Part Three: Teaching equipment

CAI, tape recorder

Part Four: Teaching methods and learning methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. Task-based" teaching method

erative learning method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

Part Five: Teaching procedures

(1) Pre-reading activity:

Students act out part one of the story.

Students have learned part one of this story in Chapter 5. After learning Chapter 5, students know what the story is about but they don’t know the result of the story. The ending of part one is that the main character of the story says all of them will be alive. (The main characters were caught by a monster and trapped in a cage)。 After students act out part one of the story, I will raise a question to lead in my lesson: What’s the main character’s plan to save the crew from danger? Ask students to number the paragraphs in the story. There are totally twelve paragraphs in this story.

(2) While-reading activities:

Activity one: Guessing: Students often meet with some new words in reading. When

they see the new words, they are either frightened by the new words or they spend too

much time in looking up the words in the dictionary. It will be helpful to improve

students’ reading ability if they know how to guess the meaning of the words

according to the context. When they are doing this part, ask them to finish it by

themselves first and then ask them to discuss in groups.

Ask students to find the following words in the story and use them to replace the words in italics in the sentences.

immediately, secretly, attacked, escape

1. The captain’s men climbed into the kangaroos’ pockets and no one saw them.

2. After super, Gork went to bed and fell asleep at once.

3. Gork shouted because Nobody hit him.

4. They could not kill Gork. Otherwise, they could not get away.

Activity two: skimming (When students do the skimming task, they don’t need to read the whole story word by word and they don’t need to understand the whole story. The skimming task only requires students to read parts of the story and get the main information of the story. This skill will help students to develop the ability to find out the key words and key sentences to understand the main idea of the story. It is helpful to increase students’ reading speed. )

Ask students to number the paragraphs in the story. There are totally twelve paragraphs in this story.

1. Ask students to read the first and the last three paragraphs and answer the following questions:

a. What will they use to melt the bars of the cage?

b. Were they free?

2. Ask students to read the story quickly and give correct orders to the following sentences:

a. Then you’ll use it to kill Gork, Captain.

b. Gork, this is nobody.

c. You just had a bad dream.

d. We will use this laser torch to melt the bars of the cage.

e. We can’t kill him.

f. Nobody attacked and damaged my eye.

Activity Three: scanning (scanning is a kind of skill used to find out the main information in reading. When scanning, students don’t need to read the story word by word, they just need to scan the relative part of the story according to the information they need to find out. )

Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the story.

Gork fell asleep. Captain King told his ________. They _____ from the cage. King shouted "This is _________" and use a ________ _______ to aim at Gork’s eye. The kangaroos did not help Gork because he said nobody ________ him. King and his friends _________ into the kangaroos’ pockets and escaped the cave.

(3)Post-reading activity:

Students work in groups to tell Captain King’s plan to save them from the danger with the help of the given questions.

How did King call himself?

What did they use to melt the bars?

What hit Gork’s eye?

When the kangaroos came, what did Gork say?

After this activity, I will tell them the moral education of this story: When you are in danger, you should calm down, use your brain and try to think of some ways to save yourself from danger.

(5)Homework: sh the exercise on page 74 and 75.

2. Write down the story in your own words.

The above is my presentation about my lesson plan. Thank you for listening.

英文說課稿 篇5

Good morning, everyone, Today, it‘s a pleasure for me to stand here and I‘m very pleased to have such an opportunity to share some of my teaching ideas with you. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Guo Xinzhi, and I am working as an English teacher in Yong‘an Middle School, Congtai District of Handan. My topic today is taken from Lesson 37 of Unit 5 in Student Book 4. The main content of this unit is ―Go With Transportation‖, and the topic of Lesson 37 is ―Flying Donuts‖. I have decided to say the lesson from six parts:

Part One —— Analysis of the Teaching Material One:

Status and Function

1. This unit tells us the improvement of traffic transportation and the related stories. Besides learning this, students will also learn some words, phrases and expressions of traffic, and so on. In Lesson 37, Danny will introduce a new type of transportation to us, it is imaginary.

2. To attain ―four skills‖ request of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I will have the students do some exercise about the text.

3. Such a topic is very important in this unit. I will lead the students to use their imagination and encourage them to be creative. For example, helping them use English to describe their imaginary transportation. So I think if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.

4. While teaching them, I will also encourage them to say something about what they think the future transportations will be like. In a way, from practising such a topic, it can be helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken language. Two: Teaching Aims and Demands

The teaching aims basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus provision.

Knowledge objects

(1) To study the new words ―fuel‖, ―oil‖ and ―coal‖.

(2) To learn and master the phrases ―think of, on the way to …, have fun‖, etc.

Ability objects

(1) To develop the students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the students‘ ability of working in pairs

(3) To develop the students‘ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3. Moral objects

(1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.

(2) Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions in English.

(3) Encourage the students to be more creative and try to make contributions to making new inventions in the future.

Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult Points The teaching keys and difficult points‘ basis is established according to Lesson 37 in the teaching materials position and function.

1. Key points:

(1) able to express words, phrases and sentences in English.

(2). Know about the improvement of transportation and Danny‘s invention. 2. Difficult points: Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral English. Part Two —— The Teaching Methods 1. Communicative teaching method;

2. Audio-visual teaching method;

3. Task-based teaching method;

4. Classified teaching method. As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I‘ll mainly use ―Communicative‖ teaching method, ―Audio-visual‖ teaching method and ―Task-based‖ teaching method and ―Classified‖ teaching method. That is to say, I‘ll let the students get a better understanding of the key structures. I‘ll give the students some tasks and arrange some kinds of activities, like talking, watching CAI, and reading in roles. In a word, I want to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director. I also hope to combine the language structures with the language functions and let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Part Three —— Studying ways

1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.

2. Make situation and provide meaningful duty, encourage the students to study the text by themselves.

Part Four —— Teaching steps As this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit, I have decided the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and speaking ability. The entire steps are: Step1 Warm-up and Lead-in Show the students some pictures of common transportations, like car, bike, train and so on. Ask the students: What can you see from the picture? Is there another kind of transportation around us? Purpose of my designing: In this part, have the students say more about what they see or what they don‘t see. In this way, they will know today‘s lesson has something to do with their discussion. Step2 Presentation 1. Learn new words in groups. The new word in this lesson are fuel, oil and coal. Show them pictures of these things and teach them these new words.

Purpose of my designing:

1. After seeing the pictures, the students will know what they are and they can learn them quickly and easily.

2. Play the tape recorder. Let the students listen and imitate the text. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Then finish the exercises on the computer. Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the students get the general idea of the text. At the same time let the students have a chance to practise their listening and speaking ability.

3. Text Learning and a Quiz I‘ll use CAI to present the whole text. I‘ll write the key points on the blackboard while they are watching. After watching, I‘ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb. Make sure they can read them well. After teaching them the whole text, including the meanings of new words, the use of similar expressions and so on. Get the students to try and say out some phrases on the screen, like I don‘t think so, have fun, a new kind of, on the way to school, and so on. Purpose of my designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the students to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the students better.

4. Key Structures and Difficult Points Learning First, I will divide the students into three groups and tell them to have a discussion about what they learn in this lesson. Then encourage them to try to understand the whole text, know what the difficult points are, and so on. At last, I will help them to master them all. For example, I teach the students know the differences between phrases think of, think about and think over. I will show them some sentences and get them to know the use of these phrases. Encourage them to do some exercise about these phrases. Purpose of my designing: By practising using these new words and similar phrases, the students will know how to use them in English and master the use of them better.

5. Read and Say Give the students two or three minutes to prepare, and then get them read the text together in three groups. Tell them to read aloud. Then help the students say something about the future transportation or their imaginary transportation. Encourage them to say more. Purpose of my designing: By reading the text and saying such things, get the students to practise their reading and speaking ability again.

Part Five —— Summarize and Homework Ask the students such questions:

What have we learned from this lesson? What does Danny say about his new kind / type of transportation? Do you like his idea? What new phrases have we learned today? Do you have enough confidence to finish these exercises? Now, let‘s try! Then show them some exercises and help them to finish them. At last, tell the students what today‘s homework is. While doing this, the teacher can have the boys and girls have a competition to see who are better.

Part Six —— Blackboard Designing Lesson 37 Flying Donuts Language points:

k of認爲,想起; think over仔細考慮; think out想出

the front of在……前面(部)/ in front of在……前面

the way to school在上學的路上/ on one‘s way home在回家路上

4. With用…… Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the students to knowledge grasping. OK. That’s all.

Thanks for listening to me and helping me.

英文說課稿 篇6

Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the

teaching procedure,and Blackboard t, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新課程標準和教學

大綱), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

ledge objects:

a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

ity objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

ion or moral objects:

a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study.

now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress

the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability. A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects. According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交際教學法), “Whole language

teaching” (整體語言教學法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任務教學法). That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(現代社會交際教學理論), I adopt the TSA method(情景教學) and TBLT method (語言任務教學)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language former is a “scene —

activity” teaching method establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use

language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.

英文說課稿 篇7

Unit 10 Ifyou go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

Reading 說課稿

Ⅰ. The analysis of the teaching material

This lesson is a reading passage which focused on the topic of sharing your problems with others when you have students will learn that it’s normal to have trouble. Talking to someonecan help a lot. Such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy toarouse the students’ learning interest.

Teaching objectives:

ledge objective:

a. Students can master the usage of the keywords and phrases: teenager, normal, unless, mistake, angry, careful, careless,in half, keep…to oneself, etc.

b. Students can understand the main idea ofthe article.

B. abilityobjective:

a. Students can use the proper reading skillssuch as anticipating, skimming, scanning to achieve the reading tasks.

entscan use the new words and phrase to finish the exercise.

C. emotionalobjective:

a. To develop the spirit of cooperationthrough teamwork and pair-discussion.

b. To arouse students’ interest in Englishlearning.

c. To help students get the proper ways tosolve problems.

Key and difficult points:

A. keypoints:

a. To master the usageof the key words and phrases.

b. To use the properreading skills to achieve the reading tasks.

B. difficultpoint:

Enable students to use the new words andphrases to express their ideas in daily life.

Ⅱ. Theanalysis of students

The Students have been learning English forsome years. They understand some words and simple sentences. They are curiousand active. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere. However,their English learning levels are different from each other. Most of them don’thave enough English to express what to do when they have problems. They need theteacher’s help and encouragement in their further study.

Ⅲ. Teaching methods

In this lesson, I will use audio-visualteaching method, communicative teaching method and task-based teaching des, ()multimedia, blackboard, tape recorder are needed as the teaching aids.

Ⅳ. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming-up (5 minutes)

Play a video. Students watch it and talk about thefollowing questions:

What kind of things do they worry about?

What will you do if you have the same problem?

Step 2 Pre-reading (8 minutes)

1. Show some funny pictures and sentences onPPT. Lead students to guess the meaning of the new words. Learn the new wordsand phrases.

2. According to the picture on the textbook,ask students to predict the main idea of the passage.

Step 3 While-reading (18 minutes)

1. Skim the passage quickly and choose the main idea(a, b or c)。

2. Scan the article and find the answers to the questionsin 2c in pairs.

3. Read carefully and finish the mind map.

Students these days often have_______ with their_____ and ______.

Some people believe_________________________________.

Laura’s problem:__________________________

At first, she______________________________.

In the end, she____________ and her parents______________.

and her parents______.

Laura’s opinion:


Robert Hunt feels the same way as Laura.

It’s best not to______________________________.

The first step is to___________________________.

In English, we say that _______________________.

Step 4 Post-reading (10 minutes)

1. Solve difficulties in groups. Just now students metsome difficult points while reading. Now they can work them out in groups. The Teacher will help to solve the problem that they can’t solve by themselves.

2. Finish 2 tasks.

Task 1: Fill in the blanks with the new words andphrases.

Task 2: Make a survey. Let each student ask 2-3 groupmembers some questions and take note of their answers. Then make a report.(Students can use the mind map to finish this task. )

Step5 Summing up (3minutes)

Ask students to summarize what they have learned in this class. And the teacher will complete what the students summary.

Step 6 Homework (1 minute)

Level A: Choose 10words and phrase to make your own sentences.

Level B: Complete your report and write it down.

Ⅴ. Blackboard designing

I will divide the blackboard into 3 parts:

Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

key words and phrases

key sentence structures

mistake, careful, careless, understanding, unless, in half, keep… to oneself

If …, they will…

It is best (not) to do sth.

Unless… , I will…

英文說課稿 篇8

Teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1. Knowledge aims:

a. Provide Ss some information about the cellphone.

b. Learn new words and expressions: toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, be good at, inside out

2. Ability aims 能力目標

a. Enable Ss to find the answers in the text quickly and correctly.

b. help Ss to find the main idea of each paragraph.

3. Learning ability aims 學能目標

a. Help Ss to express their opinions about life on the go.

b. Improve the reading ability.

Teaching important points 教學重點

Let Ss learn to how to improve their ability.

Teaching difficult points 教學難點

How to get the main idea of the text and each paragraph quickly and correctly.

Teaching methods 教學方法

1. Co-operative method for creative ideas.

2. Fast reading and careful reading

ion-and-answer activity teaching method

Teaching aids 教具準備

1. A telephone

2. Some pictures

Teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式

Step I Lead-in and warming-up

Ask the students consider this question: If I miss my mother, how can I do? Then the Ss can give me many ways like walking home to tell my mother, write a letter, or just give a call. Then I asked my Ss which one is the best. The students will tell me "telephone", and then I will deal with the new lesson life on the go.

Step II

Check the answers in the exercise books and tell them some skills of reading.

Step III Fast reading

Give the students some minutes and read the text quickly and then answer the questions.

1. What does life on the go mean?

Life on the go here means a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go—rushing from one place to another, using phones, computers, etc.

2. What is the second paragraph about?

It’s mainly about the different uses of cellphones.

Step IV Careful reading

Read the text carefully and then decide the following true or false questions.

1. Many Chinese teenagers live life on the go just like Wang Mei.

2. With cellphones, we can only make calls and send messages.

3. All cellphones have an electronic calendar to remind you of appointments and dates.

4. The students don’t use the cellphone in the classroom because of the school rules.

5. With a cellphone, students will certainly waste some time and money on it.

6. Teenagers like cellphones just because they can send messages.

7. Wang Mei has a cellphone but her best friend Xiao Li hasn’t.

Step V Consolidation

Give the students 5 minutes to read the text against and find the main idea of each paragraph.

Para. 1 Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones.

Para. 2 Cell phones can be used for what?

Para. 3. Why are not the students allowed to use the cell phone.?

英文說課稿 篇9

Good morning everyone . It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson. I’ll try my best .I’m number ____, Today I’ll talk something about the spirit of marathon, my content is made up of 8 parts .

Analysis of the teaching material

Analysis of the students material

Teaching aims and important, difficult points .

Teaching aids

Teaching methods

Teaching procedure

And conclusion

Well firstly, I’ll talk about part 1, analysis of the teaching material . This lesson is mainly about Marathon. The topic is related to our life, so it’s easy to arouse students’ interest. As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students .

Then, I will talk about part 2,analysis of the students. They have learned English for some years, so they can understand some words and simple sentences. They’re active, interested in new things, so I’ll design some interesting actives to attract their attention. Next, I’ll talk about teaching aims.

There’re knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims.

Knowledge aims are to enable students to master new words,

phrases _____and the sentences pattern , such as _____.

Ability aims are to improve students’ speaking and listening ability, they can use words and phrases to talk about something in our life. Emotional aims are to develop the spirit of cooperation by pair work and competition.

Well, next important and difficult points.

Important and difficult points are to develop students’ speaking and listening ability , and master the usage of key sentences correctly . Another part , teaching methods .

In this lesson , I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching methods” and situational approach, using different can make the class active. Now, I’ll talk about the most important part-teaching procedure. There’re 5 steps in the part .

Step 1 warming up

It will cost 3 minutes

In this step , I’ll ask students to have a free talk with the knowledge they have learnt last lesson . in this way , students will pay their attention to our class easily , and their speaking ability will be improved .

Step 2 leading in

It will cost 2minutes .

I’ll show some pictures about (development , pollution

English ,spaceship ) , and tell something about _________, these can form a relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready for the next step .

Step 3 presentation

It’ll cost 20 minutes

I’ll show some words and sentences ,and ask students to guess the meaning of new words , with the help of PPT . I’ll set a real situation to help the class learn new words and sentence pattern ents can follow the tape recorder reading words and text .

Situational approach is used here .

Step 4 practice

It’ll cost 10 minutes

In this step , I’ll divide the whole class into 4groups to have a competition by reading the dialog and role-playing . Then ,I’ll ask students to make a new dialog to check if they can use new words and sentence pattern correctly .

Task-based teaching method is used here ,and students’ cooperation ability will be well developed .

Step 5 summary

It’ll cost 5 minutes .

In this step ,I’ll guide students to conclude key words and sentence pattern to wide their knowledge

In the end ,I’ll give some homework ,go over today’s lesson and preview next lesson , go to the library or search the internet for some information ,then write a short passage .

And ,this is my layout design .

Ok ,that’s all for my lesson ,Thank you a lot for listening .