


(computer) file


The reload button will always compare the cache document to the network and show the most recent one.

重新裝入按鈕總是將高速緩存中的文檔與網絡上文檔的進行比較,並顯示最新的那個文檔。Paste Into New Image to this Word.

粘貼新圖像到這個文檔。Documentation is invaluable during program debug, and essential for efficient program maintenance

在程序調試階段,文檔是極寶貴的,也是有效的維護程序的基礎。If you wish you can repost the form data to recreate the document by pressing the reload button.


單文檔界面(多文檔界面)Reload the current document

重新裝入當前文檔Redraw the current document

重繪當前文檔Attach Files Documents

附加文件和文檔Unknown Document Type

未知的文檔類型Read a scanned document as easily as a paper document.


n. 計算機電腦

They are computer operators.

他們是計算機操作員。The new fast computer is now the benchmark in the computer industry.

這種新型快速計算機已經成爲計算機工業的基準了。The quality of the computers are good || The quality of the computers is good

這些計算機的質量良好The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s

計算機病毒是八十年代計算機飛速發展帶來的`結果。Program a computer for pay calculations

爲計算機計算工資作程序設計 file是什麼意思:

n. 文件;文件夾;檔案;銼刀

v. 把…歸檔;提出;排成縱隊行進

clustering file

聚類文件 The extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt.

裝在文件系統上的擴展屬性文件已損壞。To file in the wrong place or order.

把歸錯檔案將檔案放置在錯誤的位置或歸檔次序出錯 a file with two flat surfaces.

有兩個扁的面的銼刀。 activate anew; as of an old file.
