


A. 人名觀點配對一般考察的是某個人的言論(statement)、觀點(opinion)、評論(comment)、發現(findings or discoveries)。這樣,一般這個題的答案在文中就只有兩個答案區:

1. 人名邊上的引號裏面的內容;

2. 人名+ think/say/claim/argue/believe/report/find/discover/insist/admit/report...+that 從句。

B. 人名在文中一般以以下方式出現:

1. 全稱(full name)Brian Waldron

2. 名(first name),不常見

3. 姓(surname)如:Professor Smith

4. He/she (在同一段話中,該人再次出現時,用指示代詞替代)


C. 該題的答案遍佈於全文。因此應該從文章的開頭往後依次尋找人名。

D. 該題貌似是全篇文章的考察,其實考察的就是這些人所說的'幾句話。故,應先從文中找人名,再去找答案。


以劍橋4 P53 的人名觀點配對題爲例。該題共出現五個人:Robert Barton; Marc Bekoff; John Byers; Sergio Pellis; Stephen Siviy; 其中,Robert Barton; Sergio Pellis; Stephen Siviy僅出現一次。Marc Bekoff在文中出現兩次;John Byers出現了三次。



在這三個出現一次的人名中,Sergio Pellis是在文中第一個出現的人名,現在以此爲例進行分析講解。

Sergio Pellis 出現在E段的開頭:Earlier this year, Sergio Pellis of Lethbridge University, Canada, reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in general. Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal, he and his team found larger brains (for a given body size) are linked to greater playfulness. The converse was also found to be true.


Sergio Pellis reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in general(可刪).

這裏的positive link是指正相關,或成正比。Size表示尺寸大小,是指腦袋的大小和玩成正比。如果理解不透徹,可繼續往下讀兩句。而後兩句恰恰是對positive link的詳細解釋。

由此,回到選項中,進行對應,唯有:D. There is a tendency for mammals with smaller brains to play less. (smaller brains 與play less就是對稱正比的詮釋)。選項A. There is a link between a specific substance in the brain and playing. 是干擾項,因爲這裏的link between.... and ....之間的名詞所指不同。
