



Flip a Frisbee.

擲飛盤。Fling a grenade at the enemy.

向敵人擲手榴彈。A heave of 63 feet

六十三英尺的一擲hazard of lotteries

先擲後抽;孤注一擲He slapped his dictionary down on the desk.

他砰的一聲把字典擲在書桌上。At rifle speed the baseball was thrown around the diamond.

棒球擲了出去,象槍彈一樣繞着菱形傳遞。He poised the javelin in his hand before throw it.

他把手中標槍握穩後擲了出去。His darts trophy takes pride of place on the mantelpiece.

他將擲鏢獎盃放在壁爐臺上最顯著的位置。A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.

助殺,助攻能使同隊夥伴擊敗另一擊球者將壘球擲於地或拋出The time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long. -- William Shakespeare


v. 扔,拋,擲;甩;擲幣打賭(或決定);使搖動,顛簸;輕輕攪拌;使不安

n. 扔,拋,擲;擲硬幣決定;搖;甩,仰

He tossed the beggar a coin [tossed a coin to the beggar].

他給乞丐扔了個硬幣。I will toss you for the armchair. [I will toss you who has the armchair.]

我和你擲錢幣來決定誰坐這把靠背椅。Australia won the toss.

澳大利亞隊於擲硬幣中獲勝。He tossed on the ground that night.

那天夜裏他在地上輾轉反側。The boy tossed a coin.
