




they liberated Foochow on August 17 and amoy on October 17

八月十七日解放福州,十月十七日解放廈門。The fair opened on March 17.

交易會於三月十七日開幕。On the seventeenth, to all appearance, the cloud passed away again

十七日,烏雲總算又吹散了。On April 17, Ford dealerships everywhere were mobbed with customers

四月十七日,全國各地的福特承銷店都擠滿了顧客。On the night of the seventeenth of February 1904 th prisoner was seen by two witnesses

一九0四年二月十七日晚上,有兩個證人目擊到被告。Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, January 17, by wire (reporter Jianchang Su and intern Suhong Ge)


num. 第十七,十七分之一的

distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century

歐洲最早的`燒酒作坊出現於十七世紀中葉。For the use of seventeen and seventeenth see the examples at five and fifth

關於seventeen和seventeenth的用法見five和fifth詞條中的示例The seventeenth century was a great time for English poetry.

17世紀是英文詩的繁榮時期。On the night of the seventeenth of February 1904 th prisoner was seen by two witnesses

一九0四年二月十七日晚上,有兩個證人目擊到被告。His diary cast light on life in England in the seventeenth century.