
出國小編爲大家介紹美國研究生獎學金類別詳解,希望對出國留學的同學有所幫助。想了解更多留學精彩內容,出國爲你詳細解答。 美國研究生獎學金有哪些類別?有的到美國留學的研究生,可能對於可以申請的相關獎學金瞭解的不是很全面,也不知道哪些獎學金適合自己申請。下面出國小編針對這個問題做了全面性的說明。


A form of financial aid given to undergraduate students to help pay for their education. Most scholarships are restricted to paying all or part of tuition expenses, though some scholarships also cover room and board. Scholarships are a form of gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Many scholarships are restricted to students in specific courses of study or with academic, athletic or artistic talent.

不同的scholarship有它不同的要求,一般是成績達到有求還有是工作經驗豐富的,或者最長見的就是參加某些競賽得到名次。獎學金分爲兩類,一類是服務類,另一類是非服務類。服務類包括助研金(RA—Research Assistant)和助教金(TA—Teaching Assistant)。非服務類包括學院助學金(Fellowship) 獎學金(Scholarship)和全免學雜費(Tuition & Fee Waiver)

Financial Aid( 經濟資助)

Money provided to the student and the family to help them pay for the student"s education. Major forms of financial aid include gift aid (grants and scholarships) and self-help aid (loans and work).

其實我們通常所講的美國大學的獎學金叫做Financial Aid,也就是經濟資助。經濟資助分爲6種形式,助學金 (Fellowship),獎學金 (Scholarship),學費減免 (Tuition-Waiver),助研和助教 (Research Assistantship & Teaching Assistantship),校內住宿減免和校外住宿節省 (On or Off-Campus Housing Credit or Saving)和校內工作 (On-Campus Job)。 這六種形式都是可以申請的。

Fellowship( 學院助學金)

MA form of aid given to graduate students to help support their education. Some fellowships include a tuition waiver or a payment to the university in lieu of tuition. Most fellowships include a stipend to cover reasonable living expenses (e.g., just above the poverty line). Fellowships are a form of gift aid and do not have to be repaid.


Research Assistantship


A form of financial aid awarded to graduate students to help support their education. Research assistantships usually provide the graduate student with a waiver of all or part of tuition, plus a small stipend for living expenses. As the name implies, an RA is required to perform research duties. Sometimes these duties are strongly tied to the student"s eventual thesis topic.

和助教金(TA—Teaching Assistant)幾乎相同。金額不大,但數量多,申請相對容易,一般頒發給研究生、博士生。


A form of financial aid awarded to graduate students to help support their education. Teaching assistantships usually provide the graduate student with a waiver of all or part of tuition, plus a small stipend for living expenses. As the name implies, a TA is required to perform teaching-related duties.


Renewable Scholarships(可延續性的獎學金)

A scholarship that is awarded for more than one year. Usually the student must maintain certain academic standards to be eligible for subsequent years of the award. Some renewable scholarships will require the student to reapply for the scholarship each year; others will just require a report on the student"s progress to a degree.


Graduate Assistantship (研究生助教獎學金)

There are two types of graduate assistantships: teaching assistantships (TA) and research assistantships (RA). TAs and RAs receive a full or partial tuition waiver and a small living stipend. TAs are required to perform teaching duties. RAs are required to perform research duties, not necessarily related to the student"s thesis research.
