


Tom was a typical fence sitter in the debate-he was always up with those who had more supporters.

【解釋】Someone who won't take sides in a controversy is a fence sitter. fence sitter 的字面意思是騎牆者,坐在籬笆上的人。它本是個政治術語,最早出現在19世紀初的美國國會,原指一個人既不支持共和黨,也不支持民主黨,而是保持中立。後來引申指那些立場不堅定的'投機分子,見風使舵的牆頭草。比如說That guy's a fence sitter, he fits in everywhere.

那個人是個見風使舵的傢伙,所以到處都吃得開。類似的也有短語a Jack of both sides 來表達這個意思,如Ray is a Jack of both sides。Ray是個見風使舵的人,兩面派。

同時我們也需要知道這一點,fence-sitter不總是貶義詞,有些時候他作爲一箇中性的詞,用來表示"中立者",採取觀望態度的人。在這個意思上,我們還有其他一些相關的短語:比如be on the fence,sit on the rail

【翻譯】Tom was a typical fence sitter in the debate-he was always up with those who had more supporters.
