




Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 工作

The repair job will cost $300.

n. 職業

I got a job with Siemens.

n. 工作,任務

You’ve done a good job.

n 責任,職責

It’s not my job to do this !


jobless (失業中的);

part-time job (兼職);

full-time job (全職);

job site (施工的地方);

job-creation (就業機會)

常見搭配 Useful Phrases

勞務市場 --- job market

面試 --- job interview

工作 --- job offer

長期工作 --- permanent job

零活 --- odd jobs

美差 --- a fat job

麻煩的工作 --- a troublesome job

棘手的工作 --- a tough job

費力不討好的.工作 --- a thankless job

指揮工作 --- to boss the job

辭職 --- to quit one’s job

失業 --- to lose one’s job/ be out of a job

好好幹 --- to do a good job

習語與俗語 Idioms & Slangs

jobs for the boys --- 爲親信安排的工作

make a bad /good job of sth --- 把某事做壞/好

do the job --- 起作用,奏效

  生活用語 Street Talks

A: I’m going to call the employment agency for a job.

B: What kind of job do you prefer?

A: An office job. As long as it’s highly-paid. (報酬優厚的工作)

B: But a desk job doesn’t usually pay that much. (文書工作)

A: Did you hear they fired Sam?

B: Yeah, he was caught drinking on the job. (drinking while working)

A: He deserved it. Sometimes he was sleeping on the job.

  電影對白 Transcripts

句型 And I did a hell of a job. 《情歸巴黎》

That decorator on the Bennett job. 《西雅圖夜未眠》

She’s on her sixth painter and we’re never going to finish this job. 《西雅圖夜未眠》