
 Traditional Chinese Operas


Q:How many traditional operas are there in China?


A:Traditional Chinese operas total(v.合計) about 300 in variety,with some of them enjoying national fame(學習此類擬人用法--sth enjoy sth,雖然動詞簡單,但使得文章更有色彩), such as the Peking Opera, the Pingju Opera, the Shaoxing Opera and Guangdong Opera, among which Peking Opera, with a history of over 200 years, is the most popular. (經典從句句式,適合模仿)

答: 各類傳統戲劇總數達300種左右,有些全國知名,如京劇、評劇、越劇、粵劇,其中最受歡迎的'京劇已有200多年的歷史了。