






The acidtreated packing causes release of co2 from inorganic carbonates

酸化處理過的填料會使co2從無機碳中釋放出來。Acidification of land

土地酸化The soil becomes more and more acidic as pollution mounts up.

隨着污染的加劇,土壤的酸化越來越嚴重。 Substance(eg an alkali)capable of combining with an acid to form a salt

可與酸化合成鹽的物質(如礆);鹽基 dough leavening is achieved by a sour dough formulation which includes lactic and acetic acid bacteria.

黑麥麪糰的發酵可通過使用乳酸菌和乙酸菌來酸化麪糰來完成。The main reasons for acidification are to enhance beverage flavors and to act as preservatives against microbial growth.

酸化的主要目的是增強飲料的`風味,同時作爲防腐劑抑制微生物的生長。Aircraft emissions also influence acidification phenomena and local air quality

飛機排放物也會導致酸化現象的出現並影響區域空氣質量。In addition, artificial acidification of the rye dough is practiced, hence both aspects will be covered.

另外,對黑麥麪糰進行人工酸化也是可行的;因此,這兩方面分別介紹如下。This may be done by periodically pumping the beer through a carbonator or bubbling carbon dioxide into the storage tank.


n. 酸化

The somewhat acid flavour is caused by the presence of lactic acid.

這種微酸的味道是因爲含有乳酸造成的。Acids in the stomach destroy the virus.

胃酸能殺死病毒。 suffer from acidity of the stomach

患胃酸過多. acidification是什麼意思:

n. 使發酸,酸化,成酸性

Aircraft emissions also influence acidification phenomena and local air quality

飛機排放物也會導致酸化現象的出現並影響區域空氣質量。The main reasons for acidification are to enhance beverage flavors and to act as preservatives against microbial growth.


n. 酸化

It reveals that 30% acidulous grain alcohol is suitable, superior in the pigment dissolving.
