


scars of wounds strung together like beads


He fell into a thorn bush and was covered with scratch.

他跌入荊棘叢,弄得傷痕累累。The raw, stumbling lout was ill-fitting clothes, battered hands, and sunburned face remained.

那結結巴巴的粗魯漢子不見了,儘管那不稱身的衣服、傷痕累累的手和曬黑了的面孔依然如故。An alligator was drawn by her cries but Blue fended it off, suffering numerous puncture wounds to his stomach.

一直鱷魚被魯思的呼救聲吸引過來,但是布盧將它擊退後自己的腹部也傷痕累累。My transport has long since left, so I hitch a lift with a couple of Republican Force soldiers in a battered army jeep.

我要乘的車早已離開,所以我搭了一輛傷痕累累的吉普車的便車,車上坐着幾名共和黨部隊士兵。 scars是什麼意思:

n. 創傷,傷疤

v. 結疤;痊癒;傷害;使留下傷痕

His eyes are sunk in scar tissue.

他的眼睛深陷在有傷疤的紗布裏。 The scar on her face had immediately riveted their attention.

她臉上的疤痕立刻引起了他們的注意。Wounds once healed leave a scar behind them.



n. 傷口,創傷;傷害

v. (使)受傷,傷害;wind的.過去式和過去分詞

The wound has closed.

傷口已癒合。The wound began to matter.

傷口開始化膿。A green wound is soon healed


[ string ]的過去式和過去分詞

The governor felt that they were being strung along by their advisors.

地方長官感到他們一直在受顧問們的愚弄。Warning notices were strung out along the motorway.

高速公路上隔一段距離就有一個示警牌。I really believe that he was a finely organized high-strung man
