
is not fair, get used to it.1.生活是不公平的,去適應它吧——比爾蓋茨


company on the road is the shortest cut.2.行路有良伴就是捷徑。

you can't handle the pressure, people are going to walk all over you!3.如果你不能對抗壓力,其他人就會超過你!

wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.4.智者不婚,婚者不智。

y man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 5.每個人都應該結婚。畢竟,幸福又不是生命中唯一的.事兒.

y is not everything. There is MasterCard and Visa!6.鈔票不是萬能的,我們還有信用卡

7. Behavior is a mirror in which every one shows his image.7. 行爲是一面鏡子,每個人都把自己的形象顯現於其中——德國詩人歌德

8. When you want knowledge like you want air under water, then you will get it. 8.當你需要知識就像你在水底需要空氣時,你準能得到它——古希臘哲學家蘇格拉底。

greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.9.人生最大的教訓是要知道即使傻瓜有時候也是對的——英國政治家丘吉爾

t other people as you hope they will treat you.10.你希望別人如何對待你,你就如何對待別人——古希臘寓言家伊索