


at the minimum

at the very least


I could do no less.

這是我起碼要做的。Minimum bill of lading charge

起碼提單費Minimum weight for carload shipments

整車起碼重量At least we have come a few years closer to catching up.

起碼爭取了幾年時間。His background is a trifle dubious,to say the least.

起碼可以說,他的背景不大可靠 American would be puzzled, to say the least, by a reference to an alligator.

如果有人提到鱷魚,美國人起碼會感到迷惑不解。 to be slipshod in this respect is to be ignorant of the rudiments of writing

在這裏粗心大意,就是不懂得做文章的起碼知識。If nothing else, Doug is a hard-nosed businessman.

別的不說,道格起碼是個精明務實的商人。The least they could have given me was half a day to rest.

他們本應該起碼給我半天時間休息。An American would be puzzled, to say the least, by a reference to an alligator


n. 最小值;最低限度

adj. 最小的,最低的

Minimum sight triangle

最小視界三角形 Minimum sight triangle.

最小視界三角形。minimum flap retraction speed

最低襟翼收起速度 very是什麼意思:

adv. 非常,很;完全

adj. 正是的,恰好的,同一的;最…的;僅僅的`,唯獨的,甚至於

Very, very big,or very,very many does not mean infinite.

非常非常大,非常非常多並不意味着“無窮大”。She was very headstrong, and very together.

她非常倔強,又非常精幹。I had often been very fearful, very angry, and very isolated.


adj. little的形容詞最高級;最小的,最少的

adv. 最小,最少

n. 最小(量),最少(量)

Idle folk have the least leisure

懶人少空閒At least your life is spared.

至少你還活着。But liquidity, or at least the perception of it, has a downside.
