





1. Monasteries, when they abound in a nation, are clogs in its circulation, cumbrous establishments, centres of idleness where centres of labor should exist.


2. Apply to the following 180MM heel high in general and soft clogs at the end of knot used to help.


3. No athletic shoes, clogs, and backless shoes will be permitted.


4. Clogs are very famous; I think they are special souvenir.




1. It seemed overstrung to cross the ankle-deep stream with hip-reached boots, therefore we just went into the water and waded into the middle of the stream.


2. Then there are a total of five points of contact with the stream bottom, two pairs of boots and the ax.


3. Operators shall wear insulating boots, gloves and glasses.


4. An example would be having 2 identical items, lets say a pair of boots. One of them have 50 haste rating while the other pair has 50 crit rating. I would pick the one with haste on without blinking.


5. Boots should be thick leather, with a sole that can flex with the foot but has a resistance to crushing across the foot.


  厚底鞋的英文名字:platform shoes

1. 走出自己的房間,從修補過的光滑褐色厚底鞋的鞋底到他圓錐形的頭顱頂,他都是一個縱向的'男子漢。

Out of his room he is vertical man itself, from the soles of his much-mended glossy brown brogues to the tip of his conical skull.

2. 土死了!我從來沒做過厚底鞋。

They are suburban! I never do a platform.

3. 製作精細,舒適柔軟的皮料,復古的外型或帶點金屬效果,上了水洗色的翻皮山羊皮,這些都能引起追捧的狂潮,還有網球鞋和有楔形或厚底鞋根的女靴。

Fine smooth leather with an antique finis h or with metallic effects and velvety suede in washed-out looking colours are all the rage, but also court shoes and feminine boots with w edge or platform heels.

4. Dickens,Our Mutual Friend 這句話是對一個壯實,圓肩膀,斜着身子走路的,穿件喪服的老頭子說的,他正步態輕盈地,樣子有些兒滑稽地向拐角上走來,穿一件豆綠色的外套,拿一根大手杖,腳登一雙厚底鞋,罩着厚皮的鞋罩子,一雙厚手套,像是修籬笆的園丁戴的。

The words referred to a broad, round-shouldered, one-sided old fellow in mourning, coming comically ambling towards the corner, dressed in a pea overcoat, and carrying a large stick. He wore thick shoes, and thick leather gaiters, and thick gloves like a hedger's.

5. 的確 ,厚底鞋很美觀,也彌補了某些生理方面的不足。

Really, large base shoe is very beautiful, also made up for the inadequacy of certain physiology respect.