


inbound tourism


adj. 回內地的,歸本國的

I went home by the inbound commuter traffic.

我做班車回家。When dealing with links, you either want the inbound or outbound links or both.

當處理鏈接時,您可能需要入站或出站鏈接,或者同時需要兩者。What business does his company do in china aside inbound?

除入境遊外,他的公司在中國還有哪些業務?Undertaking sanitary supervision over the cargo and containers inbound or outbound and the relevant storehouses and processing sites.

對出入境貨物、集裝箱及其儲存、加工場所進行衛生監督。Quarantine officials are authorized to undertake inspections of inbound and outbound means of transportation to assure the absence of rodents.


n. 觀光業,旅遊業

Folk-custom tourism has become a bright spot in tourism industry nowadays.

民俗旅遊已成爲當今旅遊業的一個亮點。I graduated from the tourism college.

我是旅遊職校畢業的。 In these locomotive day tourism have become the mainstay of the country.

在當今旅行風氣很盛的時代,旅遊業成了這個國家的主要收益。Tourism has finally reached the great frozen wilderness.

旅遊業最後還是伸向了這塊巨大的寒冷的曠野。Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.
