


讀音如音標所示:英 [ˌprefəˈrenʃl] 美 [ˌprɛfəˈrɛnʃəl]

1. China also offers Indonesia preferential buyer's credit for their cooperation in infrastructure.

2. He said China promised on Monday to offer US $ 500 million in preferential buyer's credit to help Pakistan businesses export to China.

3. It has opened its market further to African countries and offered them preferential export buyer's credit.

4. China is by no means willing to adopt and implement any subsidy and preferential policies for domestic automakers that contravenes WTO rules.

5. A preferential tariff arrangement with some African countries will boost the continent's exports to China and activate its trade ties with the nation.

6. Conscripts retired from active service shall enjoy the support and preferential policies of the state for employment.

7. The provincial price bureau requires all provincial scenic areas to carry out national and provincial policies on preferential entrance tickets for scenic spots.

8. The company also hopes to carve its niche in western regions where preferential policies have been announced to facilitate major investment.


讀法如音標所示:英 [ˈfeɪvərəbl] 美 [ˈfeɪvərəbl]

1. It has also designated the year as a Business Promotion Year and has been active behind the creation of a favourable investment environment.

2. Sun expects more favourable film policies to be introduced during 2005 to further activate the potential of the Chinese film industry.

3. Individual investors would continue to enjoy favourable tax policies for capital gains in the stock market.

4. In addition to catching a ride on this favourable wave, the threat of competition is another factor motivating companies to seek listings.

5. Experts predicted that the landing of spacecraft will go on in favourable climatic conditions early today.

6. China as a whole should also consolidate relevant legislation and simplify administrative procedures to create a more favourable environment for both inbound and outbound investments.

7. The government document also noted that operating system software producers should provide a favourable price to computer companies.

8. Some in the United States harp on the condescending note that it is the United States that makes China's favourable balance possible.


1. 不過,夏普給出的理由是,他們需要選擇價格條件最優惠的一方。

However, the reasons given by Sharp, they need to select the most favorable price side.

2. 我們免費提供柏林酒店、公寓、旅舍和汽車旅館的預定,我們還以優惠的價格提供最豪華高檔酒店的預定。

Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Poppenhausen with hot deals and special offers.

3. 我們免費提供柏林酒店、公寓、旅舍和汽車旅館的預定,我們還以優惠的價格提供最豪華高檔酒店的預定。

Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Hautes-Pyrenees with hot deals and special offers.

4. 駕遊天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】提供豐富的駕車和自由旅行旅遊資訊,以實地資訊爲依據,對所蒐集的詳實信息進行重組、整合處理。內容涵蓋自駕線路參考;國家公園開放時間和門票價格;城市景區的熱點介紹;四色美食的餐廳地址和價格;購物天堂的各類特色商店;直銷名店的地址和折扣優惠券;駕遊目的國的交通規則和風土人情等各種駕遊資訊的綜合在線平臺。

NTOURS GLOBAL】can offer a mass of information of drive tour and travels, according to the real information from the scenic spots, we collect the drive routes, open time and tickets price of national parks, introduction of city scenic spots, Address and price of good restaurants, shopping malls and coupons, traffic rules of different states etc which could offer to our members.