


platform tunnel


n. 平臺;講臺,舞臺;月臺,站臺;綱領,政綱

Beyond the platform there was more enchantment.

在平臺外面還有更迷人的東西呢。The platform swayed and then foundered.

月臺晃動着塌陷了。A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform.

火車撞上了月臺盡頭的柵欄。 On the platform below, some travellers are trapped.

在下面的.平臺上有些被困住了的遊客。Does the local leave from this platform?

這輛慢車是從這個站臺開出嗎? tunnel是什麼意思:

n. 地下通道;洞穴

v. 挖掘隧道;打開通道

The engineers sank a tunnel into the ground.

工程師們在地下挖了個隧道。 The exit of the tunnel is concealed.

地道的出口開在隱祕的地方。A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.

一條隧道要被炸開,穿山而過。They drove a tunnel through a hill.

他們通過小山挖一隧道。The roof of the tunnel fell in.