




同學們,希望屬於我們,失望不屬於我們,就算是遇上困難我們也要告訴自己 “我能行!!”。我相信你們心裏一定有許多話想對我們的`老師說,千言萬語不需說,掌聲代表我的心,來!下面請大家再次把掌聲送給我們敬愛的老師,在接下來的日子裏,我們將會共同的奮鬥。(鼓掌)最後我請同學們爲自己鼓掌,因爲我相信在新的學期中,每一個龍歧國小的學生都會有傑出的表現,你們會驕傲地和知識握手,自信地與成功擁抱,在新的學期中,我將期待着一個又一個的新星在我們身邊閃現。心動不如行動,來!讓我們用最熱烈的掌聲爲自己加油,爲自己喝彩!!(鼓掌)

what makes a good teacher?

i'm a big fan of teachers. i'm here to praise teachers.


i'm a big fan of teachers.

i'm here to praise teachers.

what makes a good teacher?

three qualities create excellence.

three traits make a teacher great.

good teachers have knowledge.

good teachers have commitment.

good teachers have patience and love.

first,academic knowledge is most important.

good teachers are info experts.

good teachers are masters in their field.

great teachers are great students.

they are aggressive learners.

they outwork even the best students.

besides,they are skilled instructors.

they know how to teach.

they know how to paon knowledge.

second,good teachers are committed.

they are dedicated to their career.

they are enthusiastic about teaching.

good teachers are devoted to learning.

they are passionate about education.

they have high standards and expectations.

they put students first.

they inspire students to work hard.

they(轉載自本站www.(轉載自出國留學網,請保留此信息。),請保留此標記。) make students believe in themselves.

tird,good teachers are patient.

they are tolerant and understanding.

they are sensitive and sympathetic,too.

good teachers truly care.

they respect and trust their students.

their concern is a special kind of love.

they are kind,yet demanding.

they are fun,yet serious.

they all have hearts of gold.

teachers are role models.

they are fair and honest.

they have honor and integrity.

they praise you when you need it.

they encourage you when you're down.

they try hard to improve themselves and expect you to do the same.

they're like loyal friends.

they're like foster parents at school.

they're excellent mentors to follow.

good teachers can make you feel great.

they can light up your life.

they can change you forever.

thank god for good teachers.

god bleall great teachers.

without teachers we wouldn't be here.

thank you for listening.

i invite you to be a teacher.

improve the world and make a difference!