怎樣解決嚴重的交通問題? 英語作文

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怎樣解決嚴重的交通問題? 英語作文

Nowadays, many citizens are complaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people’s daily life and social development. To solve this problem, some suggestions has been put forward.


Some people suggest building more streets and roads to reduce traffic density. It really works in the beginning, but before long, these new streets and roads are full filled with more cars. Some others advise to limit the amount of bikes and cars to decrease the traffic flow. It does work in a short time. But this measure will affect the consumption and make buses more crowded. In addition, the needs for bikes and cars can only be much more with the development of society.


In my opinion, people should be encouraged to take public transportation and people should keep this view in mind. Furthermore, the government should accelerate the development of subway and urban railway to establish a comprehensive urban transport system.
