



Does money buy happiness?

Does money buy happiness?,but would a little more money make us a little happier?Many of us smirk1) and e is,we believe,some connection between fiscal2) fitness and feeling of us would say that,yes,we would like to be e in four American collegians now consider it “very important” or “essential” that they become “very well off financially.” Money matters.

Well,are rich people happier?Researchers have found that in poor countries,such as Bangladesh,being relatively well off does make for greater need food,rest,shelter and social contact.

But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life’s necessities,increasing affluence matters surprisingly correlation between income and happiness is “surprisingly weak,” observed University of Michigan researcher Ronald Inglehart in one 16-nation study of 170, comfortable,more money provides diminishing second piece of pie,or the second $100,000,never tastes as good as the first.

Even lottery3 winners and the Forbes’ 100wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average ng it big4) brings temporary in the long run wealth is like health:its utter absence can breed misery,but having it doesn’t guarantee iness seems less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.

Has our happiness floated upward with the rising economic tide?Are we happier today than in 1940,when two out of five homes lacked a shower or tub?When heat often meant feeding wood or coal into a furnace?When 35percent of homes had no toilet?

Actually,we are e 1957,the number of Americans who say they are “very happy” has declined from 35to while,the divorce rate has doubled,the teen suicide rate has nearly tripled5),the violent crime rate has nearly quadrupled6)(even after the recent decline),and more people than ever(especially teens and young adults)are depressed.

I call this soaring wealth and shrinking spirit “the American paradox7).”More than ever,we have big houses and broken homes,high incomes and low morale,secured rights and diminished excel at making a living but often fail at making a celebrate our prosperity but yearn8) for cherish our freedoms but long for an age of plenty,we feel spiritual hunger.

by David Myers










It is never too early for you to learn about the value of money as a teenager. Many teens have no concept what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live. Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from affluent families. If you live in low income area like other teens you may often struggle to obtain money sometimes resorting to criminal acts to get money when you need it. The following article discusses some important things about teens and money issues including:


When you're given money you should learn how to handle the money wisely. While some teens are taught at a young age to save what they have other teens have no idea how to keep a dime in their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they see. You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources.



Teaching Children Money Habits for Life

The life-long benefits of teaching children good money habits make it well worth the effort. Children who are not taught these lessons pay the consequences for a life-time. Some parents don't teach children about money because they think they shouldn't talk about money with children, don't have the time, or think they don't have enough money. Parents should take the time to teach children about money regardless of their income and should start when children are young.

Most people have strong feelings and opinions about money, based on childhood experiences and the values and beliefs of their families. Most often, these experiences, values, and beliefs are different for each parent. It is vital for the healthy development of children that parents talk about these feelings and opinions and establish a consistent approach to teaching children about money.

Here are some guidelines parents can keep in mind as they begin the financial socialization of their children:

Guide and advise rather than direct and dictate how the child's money should be used.

Encourage and praise the child rather than criticize and rebuke actions taken.

Allow children to learn by mistakes and by successes.

Be consistent while taking children's differences into account.

Include all family members in money management discussions, decision making, and activities as appropriate for their age.

Explain to children what they can and cannot do and the consequences of violating the limits.

As children get older increasingly include them in discussions of limits and consequences.

Expect all family members to perform unpaid, routine household chores based on their abilities.

Express your desire to have things you can't afford. Children need to know that parents say “no” to themselves, too.











