


快樂的英語作文 篇1


第一天去上課,我跟着媽媽忐忑不安地推開教室門,喲,已經有7個“小豆丁”端端正正地坐在那兒了,看樣子是、三、四年級的,7、8歲的小孩居多,唯有一個和我差不多大,升五年級的。我傻了眼,呆呆地站在那。媽媽推了我一把,讓我坐在第一個桌子旁,等着老師來。沒過幾分鐘,一個二十幾歲模樣的大學生走了進來,她披着一頭微卷的`金髮,長着一張漂亮的鵝蛋臉,水靈靈的眼睛讓人看得入了迷,紅紅的櫻桃小嘴分外惹人眼紅。大家發出了一聲“哇”,老師笑了笑,用清脆的聲音說:“同學們好,我是教你們音標的老師,你們可以叫我‘Sherry’老師。現在,我來爲你們起英文名。”她走到我身邊,問道:“你叫什麼名字?有英文名嗎?”“我叫胡磊,沒英文名。”我 望着她,輕輕地說。“那就叫你‘Mandy’吧!”老師笑眯眯地說。“好!”我異常高興。老師一圈走下來,大家都有了好聽的名字:Jiji、John、Sandy、Jack……教室裏是一片歡呼聲,老師拍了拍手,開始教我們音標,她告訴我們音標有48個,分爲元音和輔音,元音又分爲單元音和雙元音,輔音則分爲清輔音和濁輔音。她給我們講了5個元音字母相對應的元音音標,並告訴我們這幾個音標的口型。大家聽得仔仔細細地,連最小的孩子也不曾開小差。說完這些,老師又帶我們玩起了“拍氣球讀音標”、“魔法手指”、“憋氣”。同學們玩得不亦樂乎,個個臉上露出了燦爛的笑容……


快樂的英語作文 篇2

The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "What's four minus four? Do you know?" "It's zero. That is easy." answered I.

But Li Hong shook her head and said "It's wrong. It's eight." "Why? That's impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break.



快樂的英語作文 篇3

During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 o’clock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 o’clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired.

This is one dull day of my winter vacation. But I haven’t bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meat some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 20xx year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.

That’s all, all my dull, coldly and snowy winter vacation.