A busy day英語作文

在現實生活或工作學習中,大家都經常看到作文的身影吧,作文是人們把記憶中所存儲的有關知識、經驗和思想用書面形式表達出來的記敘方式。還是對作文一籌莫展嗎?以下是小編爲大家收集的A busy day英語作文,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

A busy day英語作文

Hello, name is me tell you about my busy the morning,I get up at I eat breakfast at r breakfast,I have to run quickly to school,because I must be on time for lunch,I have lunch at the afternoon,our classes finishes at r school,i sometimes play ball with my I get home,Iusually do my homework the evening,i either watch tv or play computer 10,Igo to a busy day.

