


  (一) Route Maps


Route Maps類似於Access lists,不同之處在於Route Maps可以改變Packets/Routes的部分屬性。


Route Maps主要用於Redistribution和Policy Routing及BGP的實現。


Policy Routing發送Packets到Route Maps實現策略路由轉發。

Redistribution發送Routes到Route Maps實現路由條目的過濾。


Route Maps假如沒有指定Action及Sequence Number屬性,默認:

Action: permit

Sequence Number: 10

且Sequence Number不會自動增加。

即假如在使用Route Maps語句時不指定Sequence Number,則覆蓋Sequence Number爲10的默認條目。

Route Maps Deny Action:

Redistribution: 特定路由條目不會被重分佈。

Policy Routing: 特定的Packets不會按策略路由轉發,但會梗概正常的路由表條目轉發。

Case Study:Policy Routing

注:(1)Policy Routing隻影響入流量。

(2)可以使用Standard及Extended ACL.

(3)全局配置ip local policy route-map sense可將策略路由應用於Router本身發送的Packets.

<1> Standard ACL

interface Serial 0

ip address

ip policy route-map sense


access-list 1 permit

access-list 2 permit


route-map sense permit 10

match ip address 1

set ip next-hop


route-map sense permit 20

match ip address 2

set ip next-hop

<2> Extended ACL

interface Ethernet 0

ip address

ip policy route-map sense


access-list 105 permit tcp eq FTP any

access-list 105 permit tcp eq ftp-data any

access-list 106 permit tcp eq telnet any


route-map sense permit 10

match ip address 105

set ip next-hop


route-map sense permit 20

match ip address 106

set ip next-hop

<3> Length of the Packets

interface Ethernet0

ip address

ip policy route-map sense


route-map sense permit 10

match length 1000 1600

set ip next-hop


route-map sense permit 20

match length 0 400

set ip next-hop

<4> Router's Packets

interface Ethernet0

ip address

ip policy route-map sense


ip local policy route-map sense


access-list 120 permit ip any

access-list 120 permit ospf any any


route-map sense permit 10

match ip address 120


route-map sense permit 20

match length 1000 1600

set ip next-hop


route-map sense permit 30

match length 0 400

set ip next-hop


Case Study: Policy Routing and Quality of Service Routing

Policy Routing結合ip包頭的Precedence和Type of Service(TOS)可以實現基於QOS的策略路由。


set ip precedence


Bits Number Keyword

000 0 routine

001 1 priority

010 2 immediate

011 3 flash

100 4 flash-override

101 5 critical

110 6 internet

111 7 network


set ip tos


Bits Number Keyword

0000 0 normal

0001 1 min-monetary-cost

0010 2 max-reliability

0100 4 max-throughput

1000 8 min-delay


interface Serial0

ip address

ip policy route-map sense


interface Serial1

ip address

ip policy route-map sense


access-list 1 permit

access-list 110 permit tcp any eq www any


route-map sense permit 10

match ip address 1 110

set ip precedence critical


route-map sense permit 20

set ip tos 10

set ip precedence priority

Case Study: Route Tagging




通告路由條目的邊緣Router在重分佈時給路由條目加上Tag標識,做爲Transit Network的Domain,不需要使用和識別Tag,僅僅需要將它傳遞到它的'外部網絡即可。



Not Support: RIPV1,IGRP

Packets Format:

RIPv2: 支持16-bit tags 表示爲十進制:0 ~ 65535

EIGRP external route TLVs: 支持32-bit tags 表示爲十進制:0 ~ 4294967295

OSPF type 5 LSAs: 支持32-bit tags 表示爲十進制:0 ~ 4294967295


router ospf 1

redistribute igrp 1 metric 10 subnets tag 1

redistribute rip metric 10 subnets route-map sense

network area 0


router rip



router igrp 1



access-list 1 permit

access-list 2 permit


route-map sense permit 10

match ip route-source 1

set tag 2


route-map sense permit 20

match ip route-source 2

set tag 3

  (二) Distribute-list


<1> 控制路由條目的分發,及路由的重分佈。

<2> 建立一個"route firewall"


Distance Vector Routing Protocol: Route Filtering可以控制其通告/接收的路由條目,及重分佈的路由條目。

Link-State Routing Protocol: Route Filtering只可以控制其在重分佈時的路由條目。

注: LS Routing Protocol的一個基本的要求就是在一個area內所有Routers的Link State Database必須一致,所以假如Route Filtering能過濾掉LS Routing Protocol的LSA通告,就違反了LS Routing Protocol的規範。

Case Study: Filtering Specific Routes

router rip

version 2


distribute-list 1 in Serial1


ip classless

access 1 permit

Case Study: Route Filtering and Redistribution


distribute-list 命令用於Link-State Routing Protocol時:

與接口聯用: 只能使用in參數

與路由進程聯用: 只能使用out參數

兩種方案效果相同。與接口聯用的方案在抑制route feedback上效果比較好;與路由進程聯用的方案在抑制route feedback時,由於在過濾時,相應的路由條目已經進行了路由表,所以失效。

<1> 與接口聯用

router ospf 25

redistribute rip metric 100

network area 25

network area 25

network area 25

distribute-list 3 in Ethernet0/0

distribute-list 3 in Ethernet0/1

distribute-list 3 in Ethernet0/2


router rip

redistribute ospf 25 metric 5

passive-interface Ethernet0/0

passive-interface Ethernet0/1

passive-interface Ethernet0/2


distribute-list 1 in Ethernet0/3

distribute-list 1 in Ethernet2/0

distribute-ilst 1 in Ethernet2.1


ip classless

access-list 1 permit

access-iist 3 permit

<2> 與路由進程聯用:

router ospf 25

redistribute rip metric 100

network area 25

network area 25

network area 25

distribute-list 10 out rip


router rip

redistribute ospf 25 metric 5

passive-interface Ethernet0/3

passive-interface Ethernet2/0

passive-interface Ethernet2/1


distribute-list 20 out ospf 25


ip classless

access-list 10 permit

access-list 10 permit

access-list 10 permit

access-list 20 permit

access-list 20 permit

access-list 20 permit

  (三) Prefix-list





Case Study: Standard Syntax

ip prefix-list {list-name   list-number} [seq number] {deny network/length   permit network/length} [ge ge-length] [le le-length]

no ip prefix-list {list-name   list-number} [seq number] {deny network/length   permit network/length} [ge ge-length] [le le-length]


<1> ip prefix-list使用最長匹配規則

<2> 假如不指定seq number,則默認爲5,且每增加一個條目自動增加5.

即假如你指定第一條目seq number爲2,則下一個不指定seq number的條目的seq number自動變爲7.

<3>自動增加seq number功能可以用命令:no ip prefix-list sequence-number取消。

<4> length < ge-length < le-length <= 32

<5> ip prefix-list不能與Route Maps的match ip next-hop語句聯用;只以與match ip address語句聯用。

Case Study: ip prefix-list description


ip prefix-list list-name description text

Case Study: Configuration Example

router bgp 3

no synchronization

neighbor remote-as 3

neighbor remote-as 1

neighbor prefix-list 1 out

no auto-summary


ip prefix-list 1 seq 5 deny

ip prefix-list 1 seq 10 permit

  (四) ip as-path access-list



Case Study: Syntax

ip as-path access-list acl-number permit   deny regeXP

no ip as-path access-list acl-number

注:acl-number有效值爲0 ~ 500.

Case Study: Configuration Guide

<1> 過濾所有的私有AS的Routes更新

ip as-path access-list 1 deny (_64[6-9][0-9][0-9]_ _65[0-9][0-9][0-9]_)

ip as-path access-list 1 permit .*

<2> 應用實例

router bgp 3

no synchronization

neighbor remote-as 3

neighbor remote-as 1

neighbro filter-list 1 out

no auto-summary


ip as-path access-lsit 1 permit ^$

  (五) 以上過濾命令的執行順序:

<1> inbound


<2> outbound

prefix-list,distribute-list->filter-list-> route-map




