



A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and conveys meaning skillfully.

A typical paper in this category:

presents an insightful position on the issue;

develops the position with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples;

sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically;

expresses ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety;

demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English but may have minor errors.

1. complexity:事物的兩面性,從多角度分析事物。論點一邊倒的文章論述得再好也只能得5分。

ghtful position:在有全面深刻理解的基礎上,觀點最好新穎獨到,但必須保證能自圓其說。5分文的`要求是well-considered position,因此只要求多論述幾個理由,多考慮幾個方面,表明你確實好好思考過,而不強求對論述題目有全面深刻的認識。看看ets範文的3篇5分文,你就能感覺的它們和6分文在思考深刻全面上的差距。