


工業大學 polytechnic university

工業工程系 Department of Industrial Engineering

工業管理系 Department of Industrial Management

工業設計系 Department of Industrial Design

必修課 required/compulsory course

畢業典禮 graduation ceremony; commencement

畢業鑑定 graduation appraisal

畢業論文 thesis; dissertation

畢業設計 graduation ceremony

畢業生 graduate

畢業實習 graduation field work

畢業證書 diploma; graduation certificate

博士 doctor (Ph.D)

高等教育 higher/tertiary education

高等學校 institution of higher education

高年級學生 upper/higher grade pupil/student; pupil/student insenior grades

高中 senior middle school

工程物理系 Department of Engineering Physics

工業大學 polytechnic university

教材編寫組 Teaching Materials Writing Group

課堂討論 class discussion

課外輔導 instruction after class

課外活動 extracurricular activities

課外閱讀 outside reading

教導主任 Director of Teaching and

教師進修學校 teachers' college for vocational studies

教授 professor