
get by通過,經過


get down to開始,着手

get down從……下來;寫下

get into進入,陷入

get in進入;收穫,收集

get off從……下來;離開,動身,開始

get out of逃避,改掉

get over克服;(從病中)恢復過來

get somewhere有些;結果

get the better of佔上風,勝過

get through到達,完成,及格

get through結束,完成;接通電話

get up起牀;增加,增強

give away泄露;分送

give back送還,恢復

give in交上;投降,屈服

give off放出,釋放

give oneself away泄露,露馬腳

give oneself up自首,投降,投案

give out分發,放出

give up停止,放棄

give way to給……讓路,被……代替

go after追求

go ahead開始,前進;領先

go along with陪同前往,隨行

go back on違背

go before居前

go by過去

go down下降,降低;被載入,傳下去

go for竭力想取得;喜愛;支持,擁護

go in for從事,致力於,追求

go into進入;研究,調查

go off爆炸,發射;動身,離開

go on繼續;發生

go out外出;熄滅

go over檢查,審查;複習,重溫

go round/around足夠分配

go through經歷,經受;詳細檢查

go through通過,審查,完成

go under下沉,沉沒;失敗;破產

go up上升,增加;建起

go without沒有……也行

go with伴隨,與……協調

hand down流傳下來,傳給,往下傳

hand in交上,遞交

hand on傳下來,依次傳遞

hand out分發,散發,發給

hand over交出,移交,讓與

hang about閒蕩,徘徊,逗留

hang back猶豫,躊躇,畏縮

hang on抓緊不放;繼續下去

hang on to緊握住,堅持下去

hang up掛斷(電話)

have back要回,收回

have on穿着,戴着

hear of聽說

hinder from阻止,妨礙

hold back躊躇,退縮;阻止,抑制

hold on to緊緊抓住,堅持

hold on繼續,握住不放

hold out維持,支持;堅持,不屈服

hold up舉起,阻擋,使停止;搶劫

hurry up (使)趕快,迅速完成

impose on把…強加給

improve on對…加以改進

insist on堅持

interfere in干涉,干預

interfere with妨礙,干擾

intervene in干涉,干預;插入

keep back阻止,阻擋;隱瞞,保留

keep down控制,壓制,鎮壓;壓低

keep from使……不(做)

keep off不接近,避開

keep on繼續不斷,保持

keep out of躲開,置身……之外

keep to保持,堅持

keep up with向……看齊,跟上……

keep up保持,維持;繼續,堅持

leave alone聽其自然,更不用說

lend itself to適用於,對……有用

let alone不干涉;更不用說

let down放下,降低;使失望

let go放開,鬆手

let in讓……進入,放……進來

pay down即時交付,用現金支付

pay off還清(債)

pay up全部付清

persist in堅持,持續

pick out選出,挑出,揀出;辨認,辨別出

pick up拾起,(偶然)得到;(車船)中途搭(人),學會

play with以……爲消遣,玩弄

point to指向,指出

preside at / over主持

prevail over / against取勝,佔優勢;流行,盛行

prevent from預防,防止

pull down拆毀,拉倒;拉下,降低

pull in (車)停下,進站,船(到岸)

pull off脫(帽、衣)

pull on穿,戴

pull out拔出,抽出;(車、船)駛出

pull together齊心協力

pull up (使)停下

put across解釋清楚,說明

put aside儲存,保留

put away放好,收好;儲存

put down記下,放下;鎮壓,平定

put forward提出

put in for申請

put in駛進

put off推遲,推延

put on穿上,戴上;上演;增加(體重)

put out熄滅,關(燈);出版,發佈;生產

put right改正(錯誤),整理

put up with容忍,忍受

put up提起,舉起,提(價);爲……提供食宿,投宿

queue up排隊,排隊等待

reach after努力謀求,竭力達到,伸手想抓

reach back回憶,回顧

reach for伸出手去抓

reach out伸手拿[抓],伸向前,追求,伸出援助之手

reconcile to / with使一致

refer to……as把……稱作,把……當做

refer to參考,查閱,涉及,提到

reign over統治;盛行

rely on依靠,依賴

reply to回答,答覆

restrain from抑制,制止

ring off掛斷電話

rub out擦掉,拭去

run down撞倒,撞沉;追捕,追查

run for競選

run into撞上,偶然碰見

run off複印,打印

run out of用完,用盡,耗盡

run over略讀,略述;輾過,瀏覽,匆匆複習

sacrifice for / to犧牲,獻出,獻祭

scrape through擦過,勉強通過

see off給……送行

see through看穿,識破;幹完,幹到底

see to注意,負責,照料,修理

send for派人去請,召喚;索取

send in呈報,遞交,送來

serve as作爲,用作

serve right活該,給應得的待遇

set about開始,着手

set aside挑出,撥出,留出;拒絕

set back推遲,延緩,阻礙

set down卸下,放下,記下,記入

set forth闡明,陳述

set in來臨,流行

set off出發,動身;引起,使發生

set out to打算,着手

set out陳列,顯示;動身,起程;制定

set up創立,建立,樹立;資助,扶持

show in領入

show off炫耀,賣弄

show up使呈現,使醒目

shut out排除,預防,打斷思路

shut up囚禁,把…存放在箱子裏,住口,停止談話

sit for參加

sit in列席,旁聽

sit up遲睡,熬夜

specialize in專攻,專門研究,專業化

speed up使加速

stand against反抗,抵抗

stand by支持,幫助;袖手旁觀

stand for代替,代表,意味着

stand out突出,顯眼

stand up for爲……辯護;維護

stand up to面對,堅決抵抗;經得起

stand up站起來,耐用

stay by守在一邊

step in插入,介入

step up提高,加快,加緊

stick out伸出,突出;堅持到底,繼續

stick to堅持,忠於,信守

succeed in成功

take after與……相像


take away消除;消耗

take down記下,寫下

take for把……認爲是,把……看成是

take in接受,吸收;瞭解,理解

take off拿走,脫下;起飛

take on呈現;接納,承擔,從事

take over接管,接辦

take to喜歡,親近




take up佔據;開始;拿起,接收

take up with和……交往,忍受,採用

testify to證明…,證實…

thank for感謝

think better of改變主意,重新考慮

think of想起,想到;想一想

think of……as把……看做是,以爲……是

think over仔細考慮

throw (a) light on照亮,闡明

throw about亂丟(東西),亂花(錢)

throw away扔掉,拋棄

throw down推倒

touch on關係到,涉及

touch up潤色,改進

try on試穿(戴)

try out試驗,考驗,提煉

turn down擰小,調低;拒絕

turn into變成

turn in交出,上繳;轉身進入

turn off關掉,斷開;拐彎,叉開

turn off關上;出產;解僱

turn on接通,打開

turn out製造,生產;結果是

turn over翻過來;移交,轉交

turn to變成;求助於,藉助於

turn up開大;出現,來到,發生

use up用完,花完

warm up變熱

wear off逐漸消失

wear out用破;耗盡,使精疲力竭

while away消磨(時間)

wipe out擦去,抹去;消滅,毀滅

work on從事於,努力做

work out解決,算出;弄懂,制定出

work up引起,激起;逐漸上升

write off報廢,勾銷,註銷


be able to (do)能(做),會(做)

be absent from缺勤,缺課

be abundant in富於,富有

be accustomed to習慣於

be acquainted with與……相識,熟悉

be active in積極於

be afraid of恐怕,害怕,擔憂

be alive to發覺,感覺,對……敏感

be angry at因某事生氣

be angry with對……發怒

be anxious about擔心,爲……擔憂

be anxious for急切盼望,渴望

be anxious to渴望(做)

be ashamed of爲……感到害臊

be aware of意識到

be bad at拙於,不善於

be badly off生活窮困

be based on根據,以……爲基礎

be bent on熱戀於,一心想

be beside oneself忘乎所以

be better off處境較好,情況好轉

be born in出生於……

be born of出生於……(家庭)

be bound to (do)必定,一定

be buried in沉思,陷入,專心於

be burned out住所被燒光

be busy (doing)忙着(做某事)

be busy about忙於……

be busy with忙於……

be capable of能夠

be careful of愛惜,注意

be careful to (do)務必注意(做)

be certain to (do)一定(做),必然(做)

be characterized by以……爲特徵

be clever at擅長於

be combined with與……結合

be composed of由……組成

be concerned about關心,掛念

be confident in對……有信心

be connected with與……有關

be coupled with與……配合

be covered with被……覆蓋

be crowded with擠滿,擁塞

be curious to (do)很想(做)

be dependent on/upon取決於,依賴

be derived from由……得到

be determined to (do)決心(做)

be different from與……不同

be divided into被分成

be eager for渴望

be eager to (do)急於要(做)

be engaged in忙於,從事於

be equal to等於

be famous for以……著名

be fed up因多而厭煩

be filled with充滿

be fit for適合,勝任

be fond of喜歡,愛好

be free from沒有……的,不受……影響的

be friendly to對……友好 be frightened at受……驚嚇

be glad to (do)樂於(做),對……感到高興

be good at (doing)善於,擅長

be good for適於,在……期間有效

be grateful to感謝,感激

be identified as被認爲是

be immune to免疫的,可避免的,不受影響的,無響應的.

be independent of脫離……而獨立,與……無關

be indispensable for對……必不可少的

be interested in對……感興趣

be involved in包括……中,被捲入

be involved with涉及

be kind enough to (do)承……好意,懇請

be known as被稱作……,以……著稱

be known to爲……所熟知

be late for遲到

be likely to (do)可能要,像是要

be mad about迷戀

be made from由……製成(化學變化)

be made of由……製成(物理變化)

be made up of由……組成

be mixed up混雜,混在一起

be obliged to (do)被迫(做某事)

be obliged to……for……因……而感激

be pleased to (do)樂於

be pleased with對……感到滿意

be popular with得人心的,受……歡迎的

be possessed of具有,擁有

be prepared for做……打算;對……做好準備

be present at出席

be proficient in / at熟練…,精通…

be proud of以……自豪,因……感到滿意

be provided with裝備有

be ready to (do)裝備好(做);樂意(做)

be ready for爲……準備好

be regarded as被認爲是,被當做是

be resistant to抵抗的,有抵抗力的

be rich in富於

be rid of除去,擺脫

be satisfied with對……滿意,滿足於

be second to次於

be short for是……的縮寫(簡稱)

be short of短缺

be sick for渴望

be sick in bed病在牀上

be sick of對……感到厭倦

be sorry for對……感到抱歉

be strict with對……要求嚴格

be subject to服從,受……的支配,必須得到,易遭…

be suited to適合於

be supposed to (do)應該,非……不可

be sure of堅信,確信

be sure to (do)一定,必定

be surprised at對……感到驚奇

be taken aback吃驚

be taken by surprise被突襲

be terrified at被……嚇一跳

be lost in thought沉思

be thirsty for渴望

be through with結束

be tired from因……而疲乏

be tired of厭煩;對……厭倦

be tired out疲倦極了

be torn open被撕開

be true of適用於

be unconscious of不知道……

be unequal to無法勝任……的

be unfit for不適合,不勝任

be united as one團結一致

be used as被……用作

be / get used to習慣於

be useful to對……有用

be well off生活富裕

be well

up in精通,熟悉

be wild with joy欣喜

be willing to (do)樂意……

be worried about爲……而擔心

be worse off處境較壞,情況惡化

be worth (doing)值得(做)

be wrong with有點毛病,有些不舒服