
【提要】考研短語信息 : 2018考研英語高頻詞彙短語盤點【六】


content with (=be satisfied with)滿足於be content to do sth.願意做某事

rary to (=in opposition to)與…相反

the contrary相反


contrast to/with和…形成對比;by contrast對比之下

ribute to有助於

r control (被)控制住out of control無法控制

one's convenience (=where and when it suits one)在方便的時間或地點. be convenient to/ for對…方便

ince sb. of (=cause sb. to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb.)使某人確信, try topersuade sb. to do sth.勸說某人做…

with (=deal with, try to find a solution to)應付,處理

espond (with) (=exchange lettersregularly)通信

espond to相當於. correspond with符合,一致

all costs不惜任何代價. at the cost of以…爲代價

165.a matter of course理所當然的事

a matter of course當然地,自然地

(during) the course在…過程中

due course (=without too much delay)沒經過太久,到一定時候

credit賒購; with credit以優異成績; to one's credit使某人感到光榮; do sb. credit使…感到光榮

critical of愛挑毛病的,批評的

sb. of+某種疾病治好某人的疾病

172.a danger to對…的`危險; be in danger (of)處於…危險中; be out of danger脫離危險

date (=so far, until now)到目前爲止

of date過時的;up to date新式的,時興的; date back to可追溯到; date from從某時期開始(有)

with (=concern)論及

in debt to sb.欠…的債

the decline在衰退中,在減少中in decline下降; on the increase在增加

one's delight令某人感到高興;to one's regret遺憾; sorrow悲痛; relief安心; distress苦惱;shame羞愧; surprise驚奇; astonishment驚奇;

ght in (=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜歡,取樂

(a) delight in喜歡幹…,以…爲樂