


  閱讀步驟一(step one)

Read for the main idea.

1)Always read the first sentence of a paragraph carefully, It’s the key to understand entire paragraph.

When you’ve identified the main idea, it’s a good idea to jot down a couple of key words to encapsulate it.

2)Once you know what the paragraph is about, it isn’t necessary to pay a lot of attention to the other sentences in the paragraph

3)Think of this as variable speed reading understand the main idea, speed up, as to details, who cares?

  閱讀步驟二(step two)

As you read, look for structural signposts

1) Trigger words(“however”,” but”) aways signal a change in the direction of a passage

Trigger words 總結:



although(even though)



despite(in spite of)






on the other hand

2) Continuing-the-same-train-of-thought words 同樣含義的連接詞 (could be a sentences of fragments)

First of all… a second…third

In addition

By the same token



This(implies a reference to preceding sectence)

Thus(implies a conclusion)

3)Yin-Yang words(陰陽詞)

Whenever you spot a “陰”word,you should realize that there is a “陽”word on the way. Such as:

However, this time…
The old view
However, the new view…
The widespread belief
But the in-crowd believes…
Most scientists think
But doctor spleegle think
On the one hand
On the other hand

  閱讀步驟三(step three)

Attack the questions

Grasped the main idea, and attack the question aggressively

1)General Questions “what is the primary purpose of the passage?”

“what is the author’s tone”

”which of the following best describes the structure of the passage”

All above is GQ(you should be able to solve GQ without going back to the passage)

讀到這裏我有許多感想,也許這裏我要說的會遭到許多小安閱讀法追隨者的炮轟,but 閱讀真的那麼麻煩麼?如果按照以前,我們的`題目會被劃分的細之又細:細節題,主旨題,結構題,態度題,信息題…這種腦子完全適合讀私塾了;相反,老外的方法卻很簡單,除了上述GQ也就是不用回頭看文章也能由於關鍵詞推出答案的題目,就剩下需要回頭看的複雜題了。如果這麼訓練自己閱讀幾篇文章,就會發現,閱讀時最大的心裏負擔已經不見了,心態輕鬆,閱讀起來也愉快有效率。可能話語有些偏激,但是讀完了再試試看,真的是---誰用誰閃亮呦~~


總之,對於General Question 這類問題---always try to answer a GQ in your own words before you look at the answer choice

2) using POE to eliminate wrong answer 就是我們通常說的排除法

It is always easier to eliminate incorrect answers than to select the correct answers.


2)對於GQ以外的Specific Question(本人認爲可以理解爲小安閱讀發裏的細節題,態度題,信息題。。。總之掃過文章後一眼看不出來答案的題目都屬於SQ)

例如“the passage suggest…”

“according to the passage”

這樣的題中如果有”… in line 12”則難度係數無限降低, all you have to do is go back to the cited line, and read them start a little above them.

如果沒有這種Line references, 也並非難題,找到Lead words 同樣score!這裏,老外書中寫的非常質樸滑稽,大概就是:讓你用手指頭捋着屏幕往下讀,直到找到lead words 或者也可能是 lead phrase.



GMAC want their correct answer to beindisputable so that no one will ever be able to complain.

比如關係到女權,美國黑人,或者土著文化。。。作者的態度不可能時偏激和反對的,換句話說, if you see strong word, eliminate!!!

最後排除法的小結,answer cannot be(A)disrespectful to professionals

(B) too strong 也不可能是 (C) condone prejudicial attitudes.