




標誌性詞語:conclusion、conclude、infer、must be true



















Neuroscientist: Memory evolved to help animals react appropriately to situations they encounter by drawing on the past experience of similar situations. But this does not require that animals perfectly recall every detail of all their experiences. Instead, to function well, memory should generalize from past experiences that are similar to the current one.

The neuroscientist’ s statements, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?

(A) At least some animals perfectly recall every detail of at least some past experiences.

(B) Perfectly recalling every detail of all their past experiences could help at least some animals react more appropriately than they otherwise would to new situations they encounter.

(C) Generalizing from past experiences requires clear memories of most if not all the details of those experiences.

(D) Recalling every detail of all past experiences would be incompatible with any ability to generalize from those experiences.

(E) Animals can often react more appropriately than they otherwise would to situations they encounter if they draw on generalizations from past experiences of similar situations.



A 有動物可以回憶出一些過去經歷當中的.每一個細節,原文沒有提及

B 回憶出所有的細節可以幫助動物表現的更好,原文沒有提及

C 要從過去的經歷裏得出經驗,即使不能回憶出所有的細節,也需要清晰的記得大部分細節,原文沒有提及

D 如果可以回憶出所有的細節,就不具備從過去經驗裏得出經驗的能力,原文沒有提及

E 如果他們可以利用他們從過去相似經歷裏得出的經驗,那麼他們將會表現得更恰當,正確,符合題中邏輯鏈


Humans get Lyme disease from infected ticks. Ticks get infected by feeding on animals with Lyme disease, but the ease of transmission from host animal to tick varies. With most species of host animal, transmission of Lyme disease to ticks is extremely rare, but white-footed mice are an exception, readily passing Lyme disease to ticks. And white-footed mouse populations greatly expand, becoming the main food source for ticks, in areas where biodiversity is in decline.

The information in the passage most strongly supports which of the following?

(A) In areas where many humans are infected with Lyme disease, the proportion of ticks infected with Lyme disease is especially high.

(B) Very few animals that live in areas where there are no white-footed mice are infected with Lyme disease.

(C) Humans are less at risk of contracting Lyme disease in areas where biodiversity is high.

(D) Ticks feed on white-footed mice only when other host species are not available to them.

(E) The greater the biodiversity of an area, the more likely any given host animal in that area is to pass Lyme disease to ticks.



A 在人類感染L的地區,感染L的T的比例特別高,原文沒有提及

B 生活在沒有感染L的白腳鼠地方的動物非常少,原文沒有提及

C 在生物多樣性高的地方,人類感染上L疾病的風險低,正確。因爲生物多樣性高,T的食物不止白腳老鼠一種,感染L的概率低,那麼人從T上面感染L的概率也低。符合邏輯

D T只有當吃不到其他的宿主時,纔會吃白腳老鼠,原文沒有提及。

E 一個地區的生物多樣性越高,其他宿主把L傳染給T的概率就越高,原文沒有提及。