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Ages ago 很久以前

A trial run 練習,預演。

A saving account 儲蓄戶頭

All tied up 工作很忙

A long way off 差的.很遠

Back out 退出,食言

Be cut out for sth. 天生適合於做某事

Count on sb./sth. 指望

Come up with sth 想出。。

Cut down on sth. 減少

Come down with the flu 感染流感

Count for little/much 關係不大/重大

Demanding 要求嚴格的

Doze off 打瞌睡

End up with 以的方式結束

Feed-back 反饋

For anything 無論如何

Get stuck 被困住

Give sb. a break 饒了某人

Give sb. a hand 幫助,幫忙

Get along with 相處的好

Hold on to sth. 保留/繼續使用

Have a tough/hard time doing sth. 做某事有困難

In case of 以防萬一

Keep an eye on sth. 留心某事

Know the ropes 熟悉

Know-how 技能,訣竅

Let sb. go 開除/解僱某人

Meet each other half way 相互妥協