



ngement n.安排;佈置

【商務用語】come to an arrangement 達成協議

【例句】Tell me the arrangement of time and place for the meeting.


ars n.到期末付款,欠賬

【商務英語】in arrears 欠債

y vt.分析;驗定;嘗試 vi.經檢驗證明內含成分 n.鑑定

【商務用語】assay certificate 鑑定證明書

assay a situation 衡量情況

【例句】The ore assays high in gold.


rtive adj.斷定的,過分自信的

【例句】He is an assertive boy,always insisting on his own rights and opinions.


ss vt.估定,確定數額;徵收;評估

【商務英語】assess a tax on one's property 對某人的財產徵稅

【例句】Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB.


oximate vt.使接近;約計 vi.近於 adj.近於準確的;近似的

【商務用語】approximate cost 預計成本

approximate market 市價概算額

approximate price 估價,近似價

approximate value 近似值,概算價值

【例句】His income approximated ten thousand dollars a year.


oximation n.接近;近似值

【相關詞組】approximation curve 近似曲線

approximation on the average 平均近似

trage n.仲裁;套匯,套利交易

【商務用語】commodity arbitrage 商品套利;套購商品

currency arbitrage 通貨套匯

exchange arbitrage 套匯,市場間套利

simple arbitrage 單一仲裁

trate vt.仲裁;公斷 vi.進行仲裁

【商務用語】arbitrate a dispute 仲裁一項爭端

arbitrated house 套利公司

arbitrated par 股票交易比例平價

arbitrated par of exchange 裁定外匯平價

tration n.仲裁,公斷

【商務用語】commercial arbitration 商務仲裁

refer to arbitration 交付公斷

exchange arbitration 匯兌仲裁

industrial arbitration 勞資仲裁

gamate vi.聯合;合併;企業合併;混合

【商務用語】amalgamated company 合併企業

amalgamated product 融和積

s vt.收集,積聚(尤指財富)

【商務用語】amass a fortune 積攢財富

【例句】During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.


guity n.含義模糊,不確定

【商務用語】semantic ambiguity 語義含混(性)

signal ambiguity 信號不定性

structural ambiguity 結構歧義

d vt.修正 vi.改良

【例句】The teacher advised him to amend his way of living.


dment n.修改;修正案;訂正單

【商務用語】revised amendment 修訂的修正案

tariff amendment 運價表訂正單

budget amendment 追加預算

amendment of a contract 修改合同

【例句】The discussion on the amendment of the tax law passed off without a hitch.


ng adj.生病的,境況不佳的

【商務用語】ailing economy 病態經濟

【例句】The finance of our company is involved in ailing situation.


ay n.空中航線

【商務用語】airway bill 航運收據

airway delivery note 空運提貨單

international airway 國際航路

global airway 環球航路


was badly injured in an accident.她在一次事故中受重傷。

重點詞語:accident n.事故;意外損害

商務用語:accident error 意外誤差

bank will accommodate us a loan.銀行將給我們提供貸款。

重點詞語:accommodate vt.爲……提供住宿;容納;使適應、調節

商務用語:accommodate funds 融通資金

's a great accommodation to me.這對我很方便。

重點詞語:accommodation n.貸款,通融;住所,住處

商務用語:bank accommodation 銀行貸款/通融

accommodation note 空頭支票

accounts are perfectly in order.賬目一清二楚。

重點詞語:account n.戶頭,賬目,帳戶;會計科目,賬單

商務用語:adjust accounts 清理賬目

activity account 業務帳戶

引申:chartered accountant 註冊會計師

5. They refused to acknowledge defeat.他們拒絕承認失敗。

重點詞語:acknowledge vt.承諾,承認收到,確認

商務用語:acknowledge a deed 公證一項契約

acknowledge a favor 答謝所受到的關照


ress approved the national budget.


重點詞語:approve vt.批准,審定

商務用語:approve a licence 批准許可證

should assist small enterprise expansion.


重點詞語:assist vt.幫助,輔助

務用語:assist sb. with a task 幫助某人做某事

became an assistant cook after he graduated from the technological school.


重點詞語:assistant n.助理 adj.輔助的,助理的

商務用語:assistant engineer 助理工程師

technical assistant 技術助理

attached several riders to the document.


重點詞語:attach vt.附上

商務用語:attach one's name to 在……上簽名

attach a document to a letter 將文件附在信中

5. They attended our affairs during our absence.


重點詞語:attend vt.出席,參加;管理,照管

商務用語:attend a meeting 出席會議

attend a wedding/ a funeral 參加婚禮/葬禮



【商務用語】cede insurance 分保

【例句】He ceded his stock holdings to his children.


ing n.最高限額

【商務用語】debt ceiling 債務最高限額

loan ceiling 放款程度

loss ceiling 損失上限

numerical ceiling最高限額

nt n.水泥;粘合劑 vt.加水泥;粘

【商務用語】cement industry 水泥產業

us n.人口普查

【商務用語】general census 全面普查

integrated census 一體化普查

population census 人口普查

occupation census職業統計調查

ralization n.集中,中央集權化

【商務用語】fiscal centralization 財政集中制

centralization of capital 資本集中

centralization of control 集中控制

centralization of management 集中管理

ify vt.證明,(銀行)擔保(支票可付款)

【商務用語】certifying bank 支付保證銀行

【例句】The accounts were certified (as) correct. 賬目業經查覈證明無誤

ber n.會議室

【商務用語】chamber of commerce 商會

chamber of commerce and industry 工商業聯合會

chamber of shipping 航運協會

chamber of trade 零售業協會

ity n.慈善,公益機構

【相關詞組】charity organization 慈善組織

charity sale 義賣

ter vt.租 n.特許;特許證,執照;租船賃,租賃

【商務用語】bare boat charter 無條件租船

berth charter 班輪條件租約

corporate charter 公司執照,公司註冊證

daily charter 按日租船契約

tered adj.受特許的

【商務用語】chartered bank 特許銀行

chartered accountant 特許會計師

chartered agent 特許代理人

chartered trading company 特許貿易公司