


  奧運聖火the Olympic flame

Olympic flame torchbearer, Chinese actress Amber Kuo (L) passes the flame to president of the Chinese advertising company Desports Jiang Lizhang during the torch relay of the Rio Olympic Games on Rio-Antirrio Bridge of Greece, on April 22, 2016.

The Olympic flame that will burn during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games was lit at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.



奧運火炬 the Olympic torch

奧運會開幕式 opening ceremony of the Olympic Games

國際奧委會 International Olympic Committee (IOC)

奧組委 Olym//

五環旗 the Olympic flag

  衆籌 crowdfunding

Those who sign up for Wanda's crowdfunding project, “Stable Earner No 1”, can expect annualized returns of 12%, generated through rental fees from completed Wanda Plazas.


中國銷售額最大的commercial developer(商業地產開發商)大連萬達集團推出旗下首款online investment product(網上投資產品),以求依靠廣大網民籌集資金,建設下一批商場。該產品的minimum investment(最低投資額)爲1000元人民幣,首次向普通投資者開啓了商業地產世界的大門。


crowdsourcing 衆包

raise funds 集資

annualized returns 年化收益率

absorb idle fund 吸收遊資

commercial lending 商業貸款

direct financing 直接融資

immigrant investor 投資移民

  替他人考 take the test for clients

The Ministry of Education said students who hire others to take the tests for them will be disqualified from the national exam and their test takers will be expelled.


一名記者日前成功臥底大學聯考替他人考團伙,該團伙僱傭多名大學生在江西爲“客戶”替他人考。據這名undercover reporter(臥底記者)稱,湖北多名大學生參與替他人考,其中不乏擁有多年替他人考經驗者。這一事件引起公衆和教育部門的極大關注。

替他人考是近幾年很猖獗的作弊手段,在考試前這些surrogate exam-taker(替他人考者)能收到數額可觀的down payment(定金),考完之後還能拿到更多。教育部表示,僱傭他人替他人考的學生將be disqualified from the national exam(被取消大學聯考資格),替他人考者也將被開除學籍。


ghost writer 槍手

hi-tech cheating 高科技作弊

gaokao nanny 大學聯考保姆

exam leak 考試漏題

examination factory 考試工廠

test subject 考試科目

report the case to the police 向警方報案