
  一 總體介紹:


1 出題題型:在經歷了2014年2次的非圖表寫作考試後,今年再一次出現了對圖畫作文的考察,並且是以多卷多題的方式出現。筆者對於這種題型的解題思路已經在課堂上做了多次詳盡的講解,對於同學們解答起來,應該難度不大。

2 審題:縱觀這三篇圖畫作文,找出圖畫主旨並不難,因爲在題目指令中出現了以下的表達:………ess your view on……..,所以只要認真看懂題目,跑題的概率不大。

3 寫作結構: 雖然三篇作文的寫作主旨不同,但是寫作框架基本一樣,均可以採用三段式的結構來進行寫作。同學們可以通過審題,接着自己寫出中文的寫作提綱,然後再根據6大功能段落寫作法,寫出這篇文章。

4 話題種類:依然是圍繞教育類(家庭教育),社會熱點類(電腦的廣泛使用)等話題來出題。

  二 具體解析:(由於篇幅關係,就以一篇作文爲例,大家可以舉一反三,融會貫通)

1 根據審題,寫出中文提綱:




2 轉化爲6大功能段落寫作




  3 參考範文:

As is vividly shown in the cartoon,a young girl is talking with her mother. She says ironically, “Good news mom! I was accepted to the college of your choice!” Then, her mother smiles and seems content with this result. Apparently , if the children grow happily and healthily, it is advisable for their parents to produce positive influence on their children.

From the portrayal , we can conclude that the painter wants to convey such a message: It is parenting / upbringing that plays an increasingly essential role in their children’s growth. On the one hand, parents are always the first teacher of a child. They can choose to set a good example for their child or not. For example, we can easily understand that when a child regularly sees her/ his father doing something for others, she/ he will probably grow up looking for ways to help others, too. The same principle applies , however, to the opposite case: when the parent doesn’t give a child the right kind of education and example, for instance by bribing a child to do things just to save trouble for himself / herself, it is highly possible that the child will grow into a person who has a distorted understanding of the value of money.

To sum up , in this sense, it is always the responsibility of parents to educate their children well. And parents should realize their mislead behaviors. Only in these ways will children grow in a psychologically happy environment and realize their own dreams.

  三 備考建議:

1 對於四級寫作任何一種作文類型(提綱作文,圖表作文,圖畫作文,名言警句類評論式作文)都必須認真準備。

2 適當背誦各個話題類型(校園生活,社會熱點,人生哲理)的優秀範文,並要默寫。同時掌握根據範文的相關表達來仿寫其他題目作文的寫作技巧。

3 可以參加新東方四級寫作備考課程,系統學習並掌握四級寫作的各個要點(寫作技巧)。

4 多寫,多改纔是提分的王道。