


一、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents should not express their disagreements to the teacher if parents find the teaching method incorrect.

I agree

1. Teachers have more experience and professional expertise to decide the way to educate students.(老師從事教學工作很多年,已經積累了很多的經驗,並且他們會使用一些新的教學方式來引導學生;而家長往往沒有這方面的專業知識,他們對於老師的教學方法判定往往是不準確的)

2. Parents may not have a good understanding of students’ academic performance as teachers.(老師往往會根據學生的實際學習情況和基礎調整教學內容和教學方法,這樣才能夠有針對性地幫助學生提高學習成績;而家長往往忙於工作,他們對於學生學習情況的瞭解往往不夠,不能給出有效的建議)


Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their grades determined by only a few large ones. Which one do you prefer and why?

numerous small assignments

1. Numerous small assignments help students reduce their academic pressure.(他們每次所要複習的知識點不是很多,而且並不是僅僅由幾次成績就決定一切不會讓他們對於考試那麼緊張)

2. Numerous small assignments help teachers have a comprehensive understanding of students’ academic performance.(多次的考試涵蓋的內容可以緊跟着教學的進度,考查的內容整體相對來說也比較多;而幾次大的考試考查的知識點畢竟有限,不能完整反映學生的整體學習情況)

3. Numerous small assignments are easier to operate than only a few large ones.(小測試佔用的時間更少,也方便安排考試日期,甚至隨堂就能夠完成;由於題量不多老師批閱速度也更快,可以給學生更快的反饋)


When making major purchase (for example, car or laptop), our decisions can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following sources of information can influence your decision.

(1)Recommendations from friends or colleagues

(2)Information from media (for example, TV, magazines, newspapers)

(3)Recommendations from sales person in the store

1. The least useful of these three sources is recommendations from salespeople.(他們往往爲了推銷自己的產品而不說實話,往往會誇大產品的性能,並且給消費者帶來一些誤導;一些推銷員自己都不是非常瞭解這些產品,所以消費者很難得到非常有效的信息)

2. Information from media can help people have a good understanding of what they are going to buy.(媒體廣告信息是官方發佈的一些信息,雖然可能會有一些誇大,但畢竟會受到法律的約束,基本還是能夠提供大多數重要的信息,通過這些信息,消費者可以瞭解產品的參數以及一些相關的性能)

3. Recommendations from friends or colleagues are more accurate and reliable.(這些建議是使用者的真實反饋,可以作爲自己購買的重要參考;而且自己身邊人通過自己的使用而給出的評價更貼合實際,也更加可靠)

 四、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are today.

I disagree

1. More people have access to higher education and thus are aware of the importance of improving their neighborhoods. (人們接受高等教育後素質得到很大的提高,能夠理解自己是社區的.一份子,應該爲社區做出一份貢獻)

2. The Internet provides adequate useful information for people to know how to improve their neighborhoods. (網上會有很多世界各地人們改善社區的例子,會給現在的人們帶來靈感和動力)

 五、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In the past young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today young people are better able to make decisions on their own.

I agree

1. Parents now attach more importance to cultivating children's ability to think independently. (由於現代社會競爭激烈,爲了培養孩子們未來生活的能力,家長意識到從小就應該培養孩子獨立思考和做決策的能力)

2. More people get higher education and they have the ability to make their own decisions.(與過去的年輕人相比,現在的年輕人接受了更多的優質教育,他們的知識儲備能夠幫助他們根據具體的情況去做出相關的決定,而且這比不了解他們的父母所做出的決定更有效)

3. Rapid development of Internet makes it easier for young people to gather information to make decisions.(年輕人可以在互聯網上找到相關的資料和信息,結合自己的情況做出相關的決定)

  六、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Teaching is harder than it was in the past.

I disagree

1. The development of multimedia technology makes teaching easier nowadays.(教師可以利用各種多媒體教學工具進行輔助教學,各種視頻和音頻不僅能夠使課堂變得更加生動有趣,而且能夠幫助學生更好地理解相關的知識)

2. More parents attach much importance to education and become cooperative.(隨着社會競爭的不斷激烈,更多的家長想通過優質教育使得自己的孩子在未來的工作中有一定的競爭力,所以家長會更重視孩子的教育培養,並且積極配合教師的相關教學工作)

3. People have more sense of studying well nowadays.(在現代社會中,知識決定着人們的社會地位,爲了更好地生活,各個年齡段的人們都能夠意識到學習的重要性,他們願意花更多的時間和精力投入到學習中,努力去完成老師佈置的各項任務)