
雅思寫作是雅思考試中非常重要的一部分,同時也是廣大考友們必須攻克的一大難關。 下面是yjbys網小編提供給大家關於雅思寫作健康類話題答題技巧,希望對大家的備考有所幫助。



例題:Staying healthy by playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty to society rather than a habit for personal benefits. Do you agree or disagree? 保持健康是個人對於社會的責任,但是,不是使個人受益的良好習慣,是否認同?




1. 個人保持身體健康是個人履行社會責任的體現,因爲個人減少了對於國家醫療資源的消耗。

2. 個人保持心理健康是個人履行社會責任的體現,因爲個人較少做出反社會行爲。


1. 對於個人的利好:增加自信,減少憂慮,人生態度更加積極樂觀。通過運動可以結實好友,這就意味着快樂的源泉更多。

2. 對於家庭的利好:可以想象,個人健康狀況令人擔憂,家人必然痛苦和擔憂(例如企業家和文體明星),因此個人健康可以樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。

3. 對於事業和學業的利好:個人健康可以提高學習效率,使人精力充沛地實現事業的挑戰。


1. keep fit = keep wholesome = remains healthy 保持健康

2. Happiness, lies, first of all, in health 健康是幸福人生的本源。

3. Health could, to large extent, empower one to face up to career challenges enthusiastically and harmonize family life optimistically. 健康在很大程度上使人精力充沛地應對事業的挑戰以及樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。

4. ……instill confidence into one’s heart 增強人的自信

indoctrinate self-confidence into one’s heart 增強人的自信

5. to see the sunny side 積極樂觀

拓展:be resilient = to be positive = be optimistic 很樂觀


例題:Staying healthy by playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty to society rather than a habit for personal benefits. Do you agree or disagree? 保持健康是個人對於社會的責任,但是,不是使個人受益的良好習慣,是否認同?


1. Some people believe that the government has the duty to ensure its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe it is individuals’ responsibility. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人認爲政府有責任保障人們的健康飲食,有人認爲健康飲食是個人的責任,討論兩種觀點,給出你的意見。

2. Some people believe that improving public health should increase the number of sports facilities. But others believe that it has little effects and needs other measures should be taken. Discuss both views and give your own opinion 有人認爲提高公衆健康應該提高體育設施的數量,有人這種做法效果有限,應該採取其他方式,討論兩種觀點,給出你的意見。(2009年2月28日)


首段:背景介紹 爭議焦點 作家立場:保持健康是個人和政府的責任,但是,個人應該承擔更多的責任



尾段:再次亮明觀點 (總結理由)



① 保持身體健康是個人履行社會責任的體現,因爲這減少了對於國家醫療資源的消耗,國家就有財政預算解決其他民生問題。

② 如果個人的健康沒有保障,難以勝任工作挑戰,亦無法爲社會發展做出應有貢獻。相反,健康的公民可以創造社會財富,爲國家發展注入新鮮活力。因此,是個人社會責任的'體現。


① 對於個人的利好:增強自信,減少憂慮,培養樂觀人生態度。健康者通常爲熱愛運動者,通過運動可結實好友,這就意味着快樂源泉之增加。

② 對於家庭的利好:可以想象,個人健康狀況令人擔憂,家人必然痛苦和擔憂(例如企業家和文體明星),因此,個人健康可以使人樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。

③ 對於事業、學業的利好:個人健康可以提高學習和工作效率,使人精力充沛地應對事業的挑戰。


1. keep fit = remain healthy = stay healthy


2. have a reasonable health management


3. …… can instill confidence into one’s heart = build up one’s self-confidence ……


4. strengthens one’s immune system


5. enhance one’s health index


6. Happiness lies,first of all,in health


7. If citizens can strengthening physical exercise and keep a wholesome dietary habit, then their perfect health index can be maintained. In this sense, it will greatly diminish the consumption of social health medical resources.


8. Keeping fit is indispensable factor for improving people’s quality of life


9. It is unshakable duty of every individual to embark on a healthier lifestyle

開始健康的生活方式, 是人人不可推卸的責任。

10. Health makes one brave career challenges energetically and harmonize family life optimistically.



Health is to every individual what perfume is to flowers. However, people have been pondering, for many years, the significance of maintaining personal health without reaching any definite consensus. A popular belief is that personal health only serves the good of the community. As I see it,optimizing personal health could not only benefit the society,but importantly,conduce to individual life, family harmony and career prosperity.

Indeed, I have to concede that keeping fit could be of great benefits for a nation and therefore be deemed as the personal obligation to the community. In other words, As for the country,the increased proportion of wholesome citizens could greatly diminish the consumption in terms of the public medical treatment. Also, health indicates good mentality and vigorous physique. It is conceivable that the increase of healthy social citizens can help create immense social value and thus inject new vitality into the further prosperity of a nation.

Nevertheless,every individual could become the beneficiary of keeping fit too. First, a man with sound physique and mentality succeed better at work,respond better to stress, suffer less depressive mood and achieve more personal goals. Secondly, health could, to a large extent, enable one to brave career enthusiastically and harmonize family optimistically. For example, many entrepreneurs or super stars usually suffer from various health-related problems due to excessive workload and huge mental pressure. It is conceivable that one’s poor health condition will inevitably bring a sea of agonies to the family members. Last, remaining health enables one to regenerate energy, refresh mind and thus improve the efficiency of work and study.

In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that keeping fit is not only related to social responsibility but also links to personal happiness, which is more significant. Therefore, embarking on a healthier lifestyle should a lifelong habit for every one of us.


Health is to every individual what perfume is to flowers.


a popular belief is that ……


optimizing personal health


conduce to individual life, family harmony and career prosperity


could be of great benefits for a nation


The increased proportion of wholesome citizens could greatly diminish the consumption in terms of the public medical treatment.


Health indicates good mentality and vigorous physique.


create immense social value and thus inject new vitality into the further development of a nation


Every individual could become the beneficiary of ……


A man with sound physique and mentality people succeed better at work,respond better to stress, suffer less depressive mood and achieve more personal goals.


…… enable one to brave career enthusiastically and harmonize family optimistically. …… 使人精力充沛地應對事業的挑戰,以及樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。

…… will inevitably bring a sea of agonies to the family members ……


Remaining health enables one to regenerate energy, refresh mind and thus improve the efficiency of work and study.


Keeping fit is not only related to social responsibility but also links to personal happiness, which is more significant. 保持健康,不僅僅是和社會責任相關,同時,於個人幸福相關,而後者,意義更加重要。

Embarking on a healthier lifestyle should a lifelong habit for every one of us. 培養健康的生活方式應該每個人應該堅持的終生的習慣。