



在雅思閱讀考試中,是非無判斷題答案寫法有兩種表達:1. TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN; 2. YES / NO / NOT GIVEN. 在這裏,提醒各位考生,具體寫第一種還是寫第二種得根據題目的要求來,而不能根據自己的習慣隨意寫一個。另外,在寫答案的時候不能只寫首字母T或者Y, 而要TRUE或者YES每個字母都全部寫出來。筆者推薦按照題目要求的標準格式每個字母都大寫,因爲這樣最爲保險,讓考官沒有理由因爲寫法而扣考生們的分數!



1. 觀察寫法

這個也就是上文第一部分我提過的,在下筆寫之前觀察應該怎麼寫答案,是寫TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN還是YES / NO / NOT GIVEN。還有,記住,千萬別拼錯了!是T-R-U-E不是T-U-R-E, 是F-A-L-S-E不是F-L-A-S-E, 是N-O-T G-I-V-E-N不是N-O G-I-V-E-N!(這個之前在上課時好幾個學生總是寫錯,所以在此叨叨一下!)

  2. 讀懂題幹,並劃定位詞和考點詞


 3. 回原文對應,重點關注考點詞的比對




1. 否定詞、消極詞

真題還原:Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 2 Question 24

原題摘錄:Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.

原文對應:E In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. In certain areas,mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground, and in the immediate vicinity of an airport, all the way down to the surface.

G … Uncontrolled airspace is designated Class F…


解析:本題主要考查的是Class F airspace的範圍,利用定位詞Class F和below 365m回原文對應,會發現信息跨越兩個段落,因而有些難。兩段分別告訴我們不同的信息:G段告訴我們Class F是非管制區,而E段則告訴我們控制區在365m以上,離機場近的地方都是。因而可以反推出Class F在365m以下且離機場不近。本題中below 365m和not near airports既算定位詞又算考點詞,其中below和not都算否定或消極類的詞彙。遇及此類考點詞,一定要注意與原文進行對比。

 2. 時間、順序

真題還原1:Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 2 Question 22

原題摘錄:Beacons and flashing lights are still used by ATC today.

原文對應:As early as the 1920s, the earliest air traffic controllers manually guided aircraft in the vicinity of the airports, using lights and flags, while beacons and flashing lights were placed along cross-country routes to establish the earliest airways.


解析:本題主要考查的是如今是否還在使用beacons and flashing lights作爲空中航行的指引。題目中的一般現在時和時間today尤爲重要。在文中只是說過去有用到這些設備,卻並未提到如今是否有用。二者並無交集,算不上矛盾,故答案爲NOT GIVEN。這就好比說,過去的他很帥,難道如今他就一定還帥又或者一定不帥了嗎?不一定吧?在劍橋真題中關於時間方面的考查當真不少,值得引起重視。

真題還原2:Cambridge 9 Test 1 Passage 1 Question 1

原題摘錄:Michael Faraday was the first person to recognize Perkin’s ability as a student of chemistry.

原文對應:His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution.


解析:本題主要考查的.是Michael Faraday是否是第一個發現Perkin在化學方面的能力的人?題中的first這個詞很重要,原文中明確表明是他的老師Thomas Hall發現他的才能並鼓勵他去參加著名科學家Michael Faraday的系列演講。所以張冠李戴,自然不合適,答案爲FALSE。

3. 比較級

真題還原1:Cambridge 8 Test 2 Passage 1 Question 13

原題摘錄:Computers are better than humans at detecting faults in glass.

原文對應:Automated on-line inspection does two things. … Inspection technology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see.


解析:這道題比較難。主要是定位難:題目中的定位詞——computers被替換成了automated on-line inspection, humans也爲unaided eye所取代,較多同學反應不過來。其中的考點詞better也沒有那麼直接說明,是通過說電腦可以檢測肉眼看不見的錯誤來體現的。

真題還原2:Cambridge 4 Test 4 Passage 3 Question 3

原題摘錄:Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy.

原文對應:For the so-called power events — that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump — times and distances have improved ten to twenty per cent. In the endurance events the results have been more dramatic.


解析:這道題比較容易錯。大部分同學都能找到原文,只不過根據定位詞,大家只會看For the so-called…的那一句話而已,看到該項目提高了10%-20%, 就以爲沒有比較答案選擇NOT GIVEN。可事實是在緊接着的後一句話,馬上亮出了另一個項目——耐力項目中,結果改善得更多。畫風突變,答案驟然變爲FALSE。


 4. 因果關係

真題還原:Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 2 Question 20

原題摘錄:The FAA was created as a result of the introduction of thejet engine.

原文對應:An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to regulate and oversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the United States, which were becoming quite congested.


解析:本題主要考查的是The FAA爲什麼會出現?定位詞一目瞭然:大寫的FAA, 名詞jet engine。出現的原因則成爲了焦點。利用定位詞,很快找到上述原文,雖然沒有出現jet engine, 卻找到因果詞組resulted in, 講明瞭The FAA的誕生是因爲1956年的空難。簡化之,即原文爲:A的原因是B, 題目卻說A的原因是C。有部分同學喜歡選擇NOT GIVEN, 認爲jet engine沒有提到。的確,jet engine在這裏並未提到,但是考點明顯是The FAA被創造的原因,而原文中的因果對應已經相當清楚了,又怎麼能說是NOT GIVEN呢?

5. 主客觀

真題還原:Cambridge 9 Test 1 Passage 1 Question 2

原題摘錄:Michael Faraday suggested Perkin should enroll in the Royal College of Chemistry.

原文對應:His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15.


解析:本題主要考查的是Michael Faraday是否有建議Perkin去The Royal College of Chemistry上學。原文說的意思是,Perkin的老師Thomas Hall鼓勵他去聽Michael Faraday的演講,正是這些演講進一步激發了Perkin對化學的熱情,使得他後來去The Royal College of Chemistry上學。也就是說,根據原文的意思,我們只知道兩個事實:Perkin去聽了Michael的演講;最終也進入The Royal College of Chemistry學習。可是我們卻並不知道Michael Faraday是否有建議Perkin去該校上學,雖然確實是他的演講鼓舞了Perkin。既然原文找不到證據證明或者反駁題目的內容,那我們不選擇NOT GIVEN, 又能選擇什麼呢?

6. 限定詞

真題還原:Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 2 Question 25

原題摘錄:All aircraft in Class E airspace must use IFR.

原文對應:The difference between Class E and A airspace is that in Class A, all operations are IFR, and pilots must be instrument-rated, that is , skilled and licensed in aircraft instrumentation.


解析:本題主要考查的是是否Class E的所有飛機都必須用IFR?找到原文對應的句子,all這個限定詞原原本本出現,談到了Class E和Class A的差別就在於Class A所有的操作都用IFR。言下之意就是Class E沒有全用IFR。這樣一來答案就太明顯了。

 7. 目的

真題還原:Cambridge 10 Test 1 Passage 2 Question 23

原題摘錄:To reduce production costs, some industries have beenmoved closer to their relevant consumers.

原文對應:This phenomenon has been emphasized by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds oreven thousands of kilometers away from the final assembly plant or away from users.


解析:本題有兩個考點:目的和比較級。強調目的的話,考的是:工業區離顧客越來越近,是爲了降低生產成本嗎?倘若重點考查比較級,則句意側重點爲:爲了降低生產成本,工廠是搬得離消費者更近了還是更遠了?所以,題目中所標註的兩組紅色字體既是定位詞又是考點詞,找到原文,發現考查的中心是放在比較級,而不是目的。原文說的是“爲了降低生產成本,強調搬遷到勞動力密集的地方,就算離消費者千里萬里。”這與題目中的move closer是不是相反呢?故答案選擇FALSE。

 8. 條件

真題還原:Cambridge 10 Test 1 Passage 3 Question 38

原題摘錄:Teams work best when their members are of equally matched intelligence.

原文疑似對應:The value fit matters, says Cialdini, because innovation is, in part, a process of change, and under that pressure we, as a species, behave differently, ‘When things change, we are hard-wired to play it safe.’


解析:本題涉及到一個條件,當團隊裏的成員智商對等時,團隊運營將達到最佳。但原文並未涉及到intelligence, 只是提到團隊工作的狀態與成員的價值觀是否一致有關係等等。所以答案直接就是NOT GIVEN。




做判斷題時,很多考生比較懼怕FALSE和NOT GIVEN, 因爲這兩種總是很難分清楚。其實,大家看看判斷題的三個選項:TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN (或者YES / NO / NOT GIVEN ),不知道大家發現沒有?GIVEN纔是NOT GIVEN的對立面,而設題者卻把選項分爲TRUE / FALSE (或者YES / NO) / NOT GIVEN, 這樣我們是不是可以理解爲GIVEN包含TRUE / FALSE (或者YES / NO),也就是說,不管選擇TRUE (YES)還是FALSE (NO), 原文總歸是要給出信息的。倘若與原文信息類似,則爲TRUE (YES); 倘若與原文有出入,則爲FALSE (NO)。二者均可在文中找到證據來證明。而選NOT GIVEN的意思就是說原文並沒有非常準確的信息來證明或者反駁題目中的內容了。比如:

真題還原1:Cambridge 9 Test 2 Passage 3 Question 33

原題摘錄:Iconoclasts are unusually receptive to new experiences.

原文對應:Successful iconoclasts have an extraordinary willingness to be exposed to what is fresh and different.


解析:本題題目的意思是Iconoclasts, 即打破舊習者特別能接受新的經歷。原文extraordinary willingness完美同義轉換了題目中的unusually receptive, what is fresh and different與題目中的new experiences是不是也是如出一轍呢?題目中所有的點在文中都能找到對應,試問答案怎麼能不是YES呢?

真題還原2:Cambridge 9 Test 2 Passage 3 Question 34

原題摘錄:Most people are too shy to try different things.

原文對應:Observations of iconoclasts shows that they embrace novelty while most people avoid things that are different.


解析:本題題目有三個點,如上標識:大多數人、太害羞、不能嘗試不同的東西。找到原文,發現沒有?只有兩個點:大多數人、避免不同的東西。那麼太害羞體現在哪裏了呢?沒提到吧?也就是說原文只告訴我們一個事實,大多數人都會避免新事物。至於原因,文章根本沒提。可是題目卻自己臆想了個理由:是因爲人們太害羞,所以才避免新事物。這就好比說,有人告訴你:“他走了。”那麼你知道他爲什麼走嗎?是去出差還是旅遊?不知道嘛,怎麼能隨便說他走了因爲他要參加比賽?也許他還真的去比賽了,也許沒有,原文的信息不足以推出題目中的結論。那答案不就是NOT GIVEN了?

真題還原2:Cambridge 9 Test 2 Passage 3 Question 35

原題摘錄:If you think in an iconoclastic way, you can easily overcome fear.

原文對應:Fear is a major impediment to thinking like an iconoclastand stops the average person in his tracks. There are many types of fear, but the two that inhibit iconoclastic thinking and people generally finddifficult to deal with are fear of uncertainty and fear of public ridicule.


解析:本題題目的意思是如果你以打破舊習的方式思考的話,就會容易克服恐懼。可是在原文,我們找到的句子是說,恐懼是阻止人們像打破舊習者一樣思考的主要障礙,它使人停滯不前。恐懼有很多種類別,其中有兩種會阻礙人們像打破舊習者一樣思考,而且人們還覺得很難克服——對不確定性的恐懼和對公衆嘲弄的恐懼。也就是說就算我們以打破舊習的方式思考,一樣有讓我們難以克服的恐懼,而不是題目中的easily overcome。所以本題答案爲NO。

通過以上三個例子,大家發現沒?選YES或者NO的兩題,原文給的信息都很充分,一個點也不少,或支持或反駁;而選NOT GIVEN的那一題,原文就有某個點根本沒提到,讓人不知對錯。所以,以後做題,大家就可以憑藉一個原則來定NO和NOT GIVEN: