


Task:More and more people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with their families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects on family and society as a whole?


1. 工作競爭太大。人們不得不經常的加班來確保他們有一個好的工作表現,同時玩命工作也代表了對於企業的忠心。

2. 新科技也提升了人們的'工作預期。舉例,電燈的發明讓工人在晚上工作成爲可能,手機則更是模糊了工作和休息的界限。在私人時間,如週末假期,一個來自公司或是老闆的電話就讓人們不得不進入工作狀態。

3. 這帶來了負面的影響。第一,人們和家人的溝通會減少,家庭親情會淡漠。更嚴重的是,家庭紐帶的破裂會帶來社會問題,如離婚率增加,青少年犯罪增加,甚至是員工自殺率上升。


Nowadays, there has been a heated social trend that the whole life of people tends to be surrounded by work, so that they are lack of time for the personal lives. In the following words, I will give possible relevant causes, and the negative influences on the community.

This phenomenon stems from many causes, and the first one is about employment. In fact, limited job positions, in conjunction with the overpopulation and a declined economy, make the job competition increasingly fierce. For the security of jobs, all employees have to devote themselves into work to keep a good performance. Besides, working hard also represents their loyalty and values to the companies.

Another direct cause is driven by new technologies which serve a function of enhancing the working expectation among employees today. For example, the invention of electronic lights has made working at night available for workers, thus prolonging the work time. Similarly, the wide application of cell phones blurs the border between working and living. In leisure time of weekends and holidays, calls and messages from the companies, leaders of workplaces and clients frequently interrupt and even cancel the leisure plans of employees, as well as stealing their private time that could be spent on the family, children, and parties with friends.

Adverse results from this work-oriented lifestyle are inevitable, to the extent of the family and society. For one thing, as long as the number and concentration of emotional communication between the employee and other family members is dropping, the family tie will be broken. For example, with no time for staying together, the spouse and children are very likely to feel being ignored, disrespected and even abandoned. In other words, employees with over dedication to work might be strange and alienated from their families, as well as trapped into negative emotions, such as loneliness, depression, anxiety and disappointment, due to the lack of exchanging love and care with others. Finally, family violence, divorce and even suicides might take place in a long term.

In conclusion, causes of this trend are mainly associated with job competition and the use of new technologies. As to its effects, family relationship would be worsened, and the rate of social divorce would soar up.

(371 words)