
1. 在很長的一段時間裏,大多數醫生認爲用大量的維他命是無害的;不過現在有些人警告過量會_________。


For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________.

healthy adj. 健康的

expensive adj. 昂貴的

wasteful adj. 浪費的

toxic adj. 有毒的`

inane adj. 愚蠢的

2. 在牙買加金彩的小說露西里,西部印第安人女英雄_________她僱主的世界,精密的審查它的設想和價值

In Jamaica Kincaids novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers world, critically examining its assumptions and values.

idealizes v. 理想化

avoids v. 避開

beautifies v. 美化

scrutinizes v. 仔細檢查

excludes v. 排除