
寫了這麼多,無非在說一件事情:學習法律英語,就是學習法律;學習法律,就必須知道“what they are talking about”,要知道法律在說什麼,就要找到那個議論的邏輯起點;要找到這個起點,就必須從法律的基礎學起。這就是宏觀學習法的全部內涵。有了基礎知識,便找到了法律的邏輯起點;找到了起點,就會了解一項具體法律原則提出的.前提、意義和適用範圍;這樣就能學好英語國家的法律;法律通了,法律英語也就精通了。yjbys網分享法律英語合同常見詞彙彙總如下:




construction engineering and installation contract

contract for compensation trade 補償貿易合同

contract of sale for commodity houses

employment contract for legal consultant

factoring contract 保理合同

import and export contract

insurance contract

joint venture contract

labor contract

lease and transfer of the right to the use of land loan contract 租賃和轉讓土地使用權的貸款合同

mortgage contract 抵押合同

property management contract

purchase contract

warehousing contract 倉儲保管合同

agency appointment contract

brokerage contract 居間合同

carriage contract

contract for construction project

contract for loan of money

contract for supply of power, water, gas or heat

financial leasing contract 融資租賃合同

gift contract 贈予契約

leasing contract

safe-keeping contract

sales contract

technology contract

trading trust contract 行紀合同

work-for-hire contract 承攬合同


adoption agreement

agency agreement

agreement on assignment of equity interests

articles of association/incorporation, memorandum of association

composition agreement 和解協議

confidentiality agreement

contract for assignment

divorce agreement